Yaba the ‘Madness Drug’ is destroying the young generation

Yaba, brightly colored, usually reddish-orange or green is commonly known as lunacy pill. Earlier, Yaba was applied to horses for pulling carts up in the hills and other sensitive works. It was also used by Hitler in World War-II to combat fatigability and increase strength of his soldiers.

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The ingredients of Yaba are caffeine and methamphetamine(a powerful and addictive stimulant). With these names of ingredients you can easily understand the activity of this crazy pill. It is mainly produced and consumed in Southeast and East Asian countries.

The main activity of this pill is- it will not allow the victim to sleep and will give the freedom to act unlimited. This is the reason why this pill is applied to horses.

Yaba customers:

Yaba, a Thai word for 'crazy medicine', is currently the target of humans, especially the young generation. Yaba is popular to young generation due to its low cost, easy availability, madness feeling and addictive nature. One survey result shows that 88% of Yaba users are aged below 40 and 55% of Yaba users are aged 22-29.

Source of Yaba:

Myanmar, the boarder country of India and Bangladesh is the largest producer of Yaba globally. In Bangladesh, it comes through Teknaf and Cox's Bazar. A number of syndicates and smugglers are active in this area that spread Yaba throughout the country by their agents.

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How Yaba is used?

Yaba pills typically are consumed orally. Another popular method is used by the young generation where the users place the Yaba tablet on aluminum foil and heat it from below. When the tablet melts, vapors rise and are inhaled. It is also taken by crushing the tablets into powder and then mixed with a solvent and injected.

Consequences of Yaba users:

The Yaba takers do not know or feel what harm they are doing to their body and health. The symptom includes but not limited to hypertension, hallucination, aggression, rapid heart rate, increased blood pressure, euphoria, wakefulness, irritability, decreased appetite, hot flushes, dry mouth and damage to the small blood vessels in the brain that can lead to stroke. Sometimes, a regular user needs 8-10 tablets daily. This type of overdose can cause death as well. The users, who inject the drug through vein, expose themselves to additional risks, including HIV, hepatitis A, B and C, and other blood related diseases.

Social imbalance:

This group of people are addicted and some cases strewn from the family. As they do not have any source of income, they do snatching, robbery, theft, kidnapping, even murder do collect money and take drugs. It is reported that approximately 70 percent of crimes are directly or indirectly related to drugs. This is huge problem for the society.

Drugs are the curse for the society. Each and every person should understand this. Parents should take care of their Childs and observe what they are doing. Family is the main point to control drugs and protect their beloved ones.

Last but not the least, each country government has a significant role to play to protect the society from drugs. Strict role of law-enforcing authority, awareness among the people, diplomatic cooperation with neighboring countries, anti-drug campaign, poverty alleviation, control of corruption - all are the initiatives need to take. The combined effort from family and government will lead the way of success and make a drug free environment.

Thanks for reading.

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