Green Grapes and Red Wine


Hi , steemians, all , yeah , every body

You know?
If the grapes are green, it has many benefits, and has a lot of nutritional content, this fruit is contained also by vitamin A, calcium, minerals, carbohydrates, and iron, contains also potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and so forth.

Discard wine is good for those who want to beautify themselves, because grapes contain minerals, so for those who diet, or people who do not eat much, is suitable to eat wine, because it can make enough fluid body, and also can eliminate phlegm that leads to ignorance, so much to eat foolishness, a little eating to the kepridan.



REd wine,
What do the red wine contain?
Actually the same thing with other wines, reddish more to the table dinasa, which beautify the dining table, red aggur usually grow in the cold high land.

Do not forget the consumption, both good for health, among others:

  1. Wine prevents heart disease
  2. Overcoming insomnia
  3. Overcoming high blood pressure
  4. Increase eneergi
  5. Prevent cancer
  6. Increase sexual arousal
  7. Preventing diabetes
  8. Whiten teeth
  9. Beautify your nails
    And many others, and as his.
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