#Health / Get Stronger Again After Being Ill / original-content / blog

It is easy to speak about illness after it is over and you have fully recovered. Not so easy when you are sick in bed with a high fever and feeling terrible.

So important to give yourself time before leaping out of bed too soon and finding that the next day your temperature has risen, higher than the previous day!

We are not robots or super human..as shown in the sci-fi movies, but need some tender loving care in the recuperation process!

Taking more fresh fruit and veggies that have not been overcooked.It is important to build up the immune system and help the body to recover and renew itself at a cellular level.

A protein shake can also be helpful and help with the healing process.

When people are ill we should give them space to heal at their own rate.Never feel pressured to return to work if you are really ill either.

After all it is your own body and you know it, better than anyone else!

Image credit - my own photo

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