Steemit StarSigns Weekly Astrology Report.

Aquarius Questioning your own preconceived opinions, will bring freedom beyond your self limited imagination. Events around you are striking at a personal level, yet you can let a lot of it simply pass you by. Remember is firmly providing strong positive influence, it is up to you to have faith in the process.

Pisces Let the turmoil in others lives, move on without your input. Clear your thinking to focus on potential new plans, the past plans are unwinding, and the positive path opening before you is full of abundance.

Aries You are looking for and needing close relationships, a real feeling of support. Look for the biggest opportunity before you, this is your time, seek the advice of those who are closest to you.

Taurus Free yourself up, so that opportunities can be followed, let go of the anxiety. The planets are all lining up to provide you with a positive and beneficial change.

Gemini Look after the small details, focus on good health, and realize that the potential changes are for your own benefit.

Cancer Let go of the anxiety, and have faith that the potential changes, offers and ideas on offer are likely to improve your life. The Sun and Jupiter are in your sign, and will allow for positive growth in your life.

Leo Let your mood improve with the improving changes occurring in your personal and work life. Your thinking it all out, and need to believe in your own potential.

Virgo As brave as you are, you may have already said no to changes on offer. Reconsider and have confidence that the might of Jupiter, is in your chart now to provide rewards. The biggest life changing ideas on offer, are the ones that can give the greatest rewards.

Libra The new moon on the 19th was a Libra New Moon, that with Mars in your sign now, are to provide clear thinking. Use the advice of those you really value, the path is open and the steps are easy to follow.

Scorpio Opportunity is knocking at your door, you are wondering if everything could be this lucky, and as wonderful as it appears. The Sun and Jupiter are combining to provide you with positive and wonderful options, don't miss the chances on offer.

Sagittarius Everything is in alignment to provide you with positive change, not everything has to stay the same. It is a time for growth, and it is up to you to learn from those you meet.

Capricorn Lets have some faith in others, they say the plans are made, and the jobs done. You can't control everything, and it is for your own benefit, that others are doing it all for you.

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