Raining Makes It Even More Hard For Me To Go For My Dialysis


My Usual Attire For Dialysis

Going for my dialysis when it is raining is pretty much more than a hard chore but I have to live and certainly I do not want to die in a lingering death so I just have to go and bathe in a cold water very, very early in the morning because I do not want to go there not being quite clean because my blood will be going out from my body to get washed itself.

it is not that as easy as it sounds when I am ready to go out from the car or into the car because inevitable for me not to get wet especially the ones that will have to wheelchair me in or out of the car and the dialysis center. SO it is really inconvenient plus the fact that my brother's car has no airconditioning so it fogs inside the car when you use it in the rain.


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Now even though I am not anemic anymore I still feel cold while bathing in cold water but nonetheless I can tolerate it unlike in my previous years where I am just shivering while and after showering but at least I am mobile and can still walk freely.

Now that I am immobile I just also have to take care not to eat the wrong foods that can make me get some loose stools otherwise I will not be able to get out and use the toilet in time. So I have to forgo in eating the foods that is obviously delicious like dairy products.

Anyway I have to do it and prepare myself with my pre-dialysis routines may it be cold or hot or may I be feeling good or not good. My thoughts on it would be like as long as I can walk or move around and can still breathe regardless that is is so freaking hard to do than I can do it.



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