Dear Diary: My Blood Pressure Is Always High And Is Actually a Bad News


I know what happens when you get a high blood pressure, you just die much faster, I had seen it in many patients. But in my case it is different, I know that I am protected somewhat because I use antioxidants and will not suffer from heart disease like others with the same predicament because I am using a known antioxidant, just some vitamin C and it will make at least in my opinion buy me more time before I finally succumb to a heart condition.

But the protection on my heart is remarkable because I am not suffering from coronary artery blockage. But maybe I was not eating too much high fat foods as it just contributes to some of the heart problems for an individual who doesn't look out on their diet.

But I eat fat whenever it is available and palatable for my taste but it doesn't come often in my dinner table so maybe it is the reason I am not developing a heart artery blockage. But I am suffering from high blood pressure that is only corrected during dialysis when it takes out extra fluids from my body.

I just hope to last until I finish some of my life and medical goals, maybe I can prolong my life from my own efforts and finish what I wanted to accomplish in my life but God has the last say of course. So for now i just wished a pain-free body so that at least I could enjoy life in my own ways.

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