Dear Diary: I Wished That My Family Members Are Bloggers Too


I am near two years blogging in steem platform and prior to this I also had blogged to a site that pays for every comment, like, and even view but that site is no more now and it might be better if they would also create a platform like steem so that at least they would revive their social media site because it does helped a lot of people including me.

It just needed to have a solution to ward off spam like what happened to them where it just got teemed with spammers which made it to go downhill until it faded into oblivion and died. Thankfully steem has a mechanism built-in that does not allow spamming that clogs this blockchain.



I must say that blogging is not for everyone and it is really hard to blog particularly social blogging because you tend to forget the people that you are previously socializing with especially those that just post intermittently which happens to me a lot and in turn we tend to forget each other and then turn our focus with other friends.

But what is good about social blogging is that you make friends with people who are like-minded about the things you like or wanted to do in life. I had made a lot of friends already here in steem, some would come and be gone but some stays and hangs with you even with just a comment or two with your blogs and that you are distanced a few thousand kilometers apart, that is the magic that happens in social blogging.

But in my family I was only the one doing this kind of online kind of "work" so I am just sad that none of my relatives are doing blogging although I have told them the benefits of steem platform. They just choose to get an employment and practice their profession.

I Was Writing Nonstop I realized

But actually I am just a little forced to make posts because of my need to survive my situation because there is no one in my relatives that helps me out with my expenses . So I have to blog to earn some money so that I can patch-up my medical needs.

Thankfully I have found much support here in steem platform and I am truly grateful because it gives me peace and security that I cannot get from any sources. May God bless this community because I am highly indebted to the kindness that I have received for many months now, thank you all my friends and you know who you are.

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