Dear Diary: I Took A PainKiller Yesterday To Allow Me To Use The Bathroom Today


I am forced to use a painkiller because of my pain issues, it does not go away so I have to kill it using available methods like taking a single dose of NSAIDs just to allow me to freely move my body without going to suffer painful movements that adds misery to my dilapidated body.

Pain is not only the issue that I am suffering with but also breathlessness. My breathlessness kicks in the moment I do some body movements, the mere going up from my bed makes me breathless but walking to the bathroom and doing my bathing just adds to my stresses and my only consolation was the fresh feel after I came out from the bathroom.

Maybe if only I was suffering from only one of my health issues then it might be still okay but two of them plus more at the same time makes me feel that I was losing this battle. Fortunately I can still bear and endure my sufferings. Most people sees my condition as the end-stage, it really is that is why my doctors had given up on me and does not try to pursue to normalize my condition.

But as soon as I see fit and if the conditions are met I will definitely pursue more what is good and the best for my health. For now I must continue to my medication so that my bone health won't deteriorate, it is the only good news that my medicine is working despite its ill-effects in my body at least things are better in some perspective and to some extent.

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