Dear Diary: I Am Plagued By Drug Side-effects That I cannot Run From


The underlined were the side-effects that I am experiencing and the things that I could identify and feel for my self from the parathyroid medicine that I am taking everyday. I just can't simply take it off or stop taking it because it helps to control the hyperactivity of my parathyroid.

But the painful thing to realize that it doesn't completely cures me, it just diminishes the hyperactivity of my parathyroid and it makes me slightly well but still ill and that in turn makes me entrapped with taking this medicine. Now if I do not take this medicine I will suffer more hyperparathyroidism, more bone and joint pain, possible fractures and ultimately my capitulation.

So I am currently on a leash by my own medicine but there is still a away to overcome it but also doesn't guarantee total wellness but at least I could eat well again the simple foods that are prepared for me. It is still a long fight and at the end of this month if I see a higher reading for my parathyroid function test I will consider a surgery. God help me.

Image source: MIMS

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