Disorders like Bulimia Nervosa

Disorders like Bulimia Nervosa
Hi friends !I want to highlight some points on disorder "Bulimia Nervosa " . I would better explain in layman language ...and hang on Guys !! may be you are suffering and you dont know ...!! Dont worry !! will help you out of ths disorder . It happens mainly happen to those people who are struggling to lose weight although they are not too over-weight or are under normal weight range . But it is their mind perception who force them to think that they are over-weight and have to lose weight.
These people have tendency to eat large amount of food in short period of time and the real game start after that . what they do to get release of their "Guilt" of eating too much . Bulimia Nervosa patient know already what will be my next line .....!!! """Yess ..!! what they do is ...they intentionaly and knowingly engaged themselves in puking out what they eat by putting their finger inside the mouth and force themselves to" puke" and now this the blunder they are doing with themselves .

We these people "Bulimics" and yes bulimics are very clever they know themselves what are they doing and are unable to stop themslves because now tey have adapt themselves like this ...Over eating first or have "Binge " in between their regular meal

{What is "Binge" ?? - To eat in between your regular meals is doing binging , want to get more clear -"Yaar khaana toh kha liya ...leken maza nai aaya ..kuch aur khaaney chalein bahar ya mangva le ghar kuch chatpatta .....""" } Now this is the huge mistake people do and tend themselves to become Bulimic .

Many people overeat occasionally , but bulimics do so on regular basis, sometimes as often as 5 times a day . A binge might include your main meal half a cake a pint of ice -cream half a pizza and so on..!!!
This Bulimia Nervosa can be happened at any age group may be at 9 - mid -40s .
What are more problems that can "trigger " Bulimia Nervosa disorder ??
It can be your family problem stress
problems in romantic relationships
failure in school
failure in work
Fear of gaining weight
Difficulty in expressing feelings
Problem with body image
unusual eating habits
Now these problem ...!! no doubt you have to solve of your own but yes I an better take you out of Bulimia Nervosa Disorder
Guys !! we understand your feeling .Dont feel stress ..!! small sentence....yaah !!! but heavy meaning and yes ...!!! Happiness is the effective medicne ...you can take over-dose of it ...no harm !!!!

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