10 foods you need to live 100 years

In the world diabetes and overweight have become epidemics that claim the lives of hundreds of thousands of people each year and the reason is very simple: diet.

Do not forget that health is the most important thing. Below I will show you a list of 10 delicious foods that will help you recover your health in a short time, Take note!

10 - Avocado


It is not for nothing that the whole planet has become crazy for avocado, because apart from being delicious and super versatile in the kitchen, it is one of the most nutritious foods that exist. Full of vitamins, fiber and healthy fats that clean the arteries by reducing cholesterol.

9 - Coconut milk


The tendency is to stop consuming products of animal origin, because it has shown the tremendous cruelty with which these inhumane companies treat the poor animals.

Coconut milk is a perfect supplement for cow's milk, because it contains many vitamins and minerals, as well as an antibacterial tendency that strengthens the immune system.

8 - Goji Berry


Very few know this type of fruit similar to blueberries, but they are becoming a trend, because among its many virtues is shown to substantially improve the immune system, strengthens eyesight and other senses and are the perfect assistant in liver disorders.

7 - Sumac berry


Among the wonders that the Middle East has to offer, highlights the sumac, a species that contains 176 times more antioxidants than the most recommended foods such as kale. Thanks to this characteristic, Sumac has become the alternative of many who want to reduce the impact of years on their body.

6 - Purple corn


Purple corn contains many nutritional properties. It is high in antioxidants, as well as in vitamin complexes that do much good to your body.

5 - Quinoa


According to food experts, quinoa is one of the most complex super foods that exist. High in protein, high in minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, as well as many vitamins.

It is one of the most nutritious cereals in the world.

4 - Cocoa


I do not mean precisely chocolate, but the life that gives life, cocoa.

The cocoa is the industrialized version of this seed, but without the sugar and milk that chocolate has.

It is one of the foods with more antioxidants that exist, which is why when you consume it you will be filled with energy. It is also associated with mental alertness, as it improves cognitive performance.

3 - Chia


Everyone knows her, but if you have not included her in your diet, you are making a mistake! Chia is one of the seeds with the highest content of fatty acids necessary for the body such as Omega 3. It also contains a lot of fiber, antioxidants and a significant amount of protein.

2 - Apple vinegar


Be careful, it is important that this product is organic, not filtered or pasteurized. Regular consumption of apple cider vinegar has become a trend in the world, because among its many benefits include the following: detoxifies the colon and intestines, purifies the body eliminating toxins difficult to undo, improves blood flow, improves the lymphatic system and allows the body to release hormones in a better way.

1 - Blueberry


These small fruits are delicious, sweet and very helpful for your body. It contains many antioxidants as well as the precious K vitamins, which greatly favors the blood, as well as large amounts of vitamin C that substantially improves the immune system.

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