Yolanda Foster Creating a Bad Name for Lyme Disease


I thought Yolanda Foster was in remission? A desperate person trying everything to cure her self of Lyme, first mold, then implants, now dental work. Sadly so many people buy into all this crap! It's happened before with professional swimmer Greg Louganis, who got conned into the mold scam having AIDs, he ended up blowing a ton of money on a contractor to renovate his home, in return the contractor took the money and ran.

These things can effect you, but not like some doctors are thinking with Lyme Disease. Lyme patients are getting taken advantage of. Yolanda has money to blow, middle and lower class people do not. If you're looking for the best treatment, go with lyme literate Doctors with a proven track record like Dr. Horowitz and Dr. Burrascano. Dr. Horowitz is having incredible success with Stevia and Dapsone, along with other combination of antibiotics and biofilm busters. Biofilms, cyst forms, and the self defense mechanisms of borrelia is what's keep people sick with this disease, not the exaggerated crap other controversial doctors are perpetuating.

Yolanda bases her treatment from Dr. Klinghardt, which bases his treatment on theories backed by little to no fact. Who might I add, recommends covering your room with YShield paint, which protects yourself from electromagnetic fields. While I have an open mind about some of these things, before you know it, Doctors like Klinghardt will having you spending money on treatment that'll completely bankrupt you in a matter of months, then by the time you do treat with a quality antibiotic protocol, you won't have any money for it. Focus on treatment that has show to work on chronic Lyme! 

Go with a Doctor with a proven track record, sadly so many Lyme organizations keep Yolanda in the spot light, in return doesn't really help Lyme community at all, since this disease has a bad stereotype behind it. Sad how chronic Lyme Disease was once considered psychosomatic, kind of still is, but I'm starting to understand why....

I'd say be careful who you pick as your spokesman as disease, the Lance Armstrong story comes to mind. So many looked up to this man as their hero for battling cancer, little did they know that Armstrong used the Livestrong foundation to increase his popularity and profiteering, meanwhile it was probably the steroids and growth hormones which caused his Cancer. All I'm saying is, be careful who you pick as your hero to idolize and worship. Considering the materialistic foul mouth show Yolanda comes from, is this someone we want as a spokesperson for Lyme Disease.

Dr. Horowitz is having so much success with his treatment protocol with some of the antibiotics revealed by the John Hopkins Study on persister cells, yet not much is being talked about this on Lyme Disease forums. These people are still preoccupied with rife machines, Buhner and Cowden herbal protocols, and gene mutations. Lyme patients, if any of this treatment worked, wouldn't you think Lyme patients would be cured by now? 

USA Today just did an article on Lyme suicides, believe me there's a reason why some Lyme literate doctors say to completely stay away from the forums. Please seek treatment from a Lyme literate doctor that has a proven track record! And be careful what you're reading, someone like Yolanda and her materialistic lifestyle is not some I'd be looking up to.

I know for a "FACT" both new and old lyme patients are having trouble deciphering what's real and what's not when it comes to treatment of this disease. 

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