Update on Lyme Treatment with Stevia

This is an update to my possible Lyme Disease cure article I wrote about a week ago! No one upvoted it, nor did they comment on it yet, which is expected because I'm fairly new to Steemit. But if you check out my YouTube channel, you'll see I'm quite educated on the Lyme Disease subject and have about 1,000 subscribers. I'm not just writing hogwash like some of the other people here trying to sell Rife machines.

To basically back up what I've said in my previous post about using Stevia, Xylitol and Brown Sugar to possible treat biofilms, kill and cure borrelia bacteria. Here's a recent post by Dr. Horowitz on Facebook, who is the best Lyme literate Doctor in the world. In his recent protocols of treating Lyme patients in his practice, he's describing the success he's had treating with Stevia and antibiotics, "the research that I am doing in my office on Stevia as a biofilm buster, also involves using it with tetracyclines, rifampin, Dapsone and other medications/herbal protocols to hit different forms of borrelia." It's quite evident now, that Stevia along with other sugars are having success in treating antibiotic resistant persister cell bacteria.

One thing I'd like to warn for those treating with these so called Lyme literate doctors(LLMDs). It's been wrongly identified in the lyme patient community that any type of doctor that treats longterm with antibiotics is a Lyme literate physician, this couldn't be further from the truth. In my own experience of treating with these so called LLMDs in Michigan, some of them do not treat with the latest protocols or stay up to date with the latest breakthroughs in Lyme research.

I'm not going to lie, starting on any antibiotic treatment can be helpful, rather than just letting the borrelia take course and dig deeper into your body. But believe me, sometimes starting off with weaker antibiotics can also do more harm than good too, which can cause more biofilms to form, and make the bacteria go deeper into your body. So it is a double edged sword, what I'm getting at is, if you have an option of going with a popular LLMD which has a better track record, take it!

With LLMDs like Dr. Horrowtiz making so much progression with antibiotics like Flagyl, Tindamax, Dapsone, and others. I made a pact with myself when treating with some of the LLMDs in Michigan, unless they use similar protocols Dr. Horrowtiz and Dr. Burrascano are using, I won't be sticking them, which I ended up doing. So when the more lyme literate physician in Saginaw became free and could start taking patients again, I took the opportunity, and it paid off big time for me. And really, that's another obstacle Lyme patients come across, finding a quality LLMD that's willing to take new patients. Some of the best LLMDs in my area had waiting lists, mainly because there's only a few doctors that's willing to go against mainstream medicine, practice out of the network and risk their licenses.

So sad what this country has become, a healthcare system built solely on profit! For those of you anarchists, libertarians, and capitalists on Steemit that believe a freer market will help our country. It's not going to work, if a cure is ever developed for Lyme Disease, it won't be because of big pharma. As explained by pharmacutical drug rep Gwen Olsen in the documentary prescription thugs, there's no money to made in cures, these pharmaceutical companies are in the business of disease management and symptoms maintenance. They're built solely on profit, which capitalism, free market system is built upon.

The CDC/IDSA, Dr. Wormser and Dr. Shapiro, who do you thinks pulling their strings? It's not the government, it's the lobbyists and the corporations who make vaccines, influencing these corrupt doctors. It was exposed in the Under Our Skin documentary these CDC/IDSA Doctors had links to Vaccine companies.

Get a clue, seriously, a free market will only help big corporations, because that's going to be the only companies left in a free market system because no one will be able to compete with their prices, hence Amazon.com.

That's some food for thought, for those of you supporters of our current president now that plans to make cuts to the EPA. Yes the EPA is corrupt, nor is Obamacare perfect. But like some of you that support our President with doing away with those organizations and programs, question is what does he plan to replace it with....???

The answer most of these ayn rand supporting capitalists is privatization, lol, which doesn't work. This country was a Republic found upon Democracy values, for the people by the people, not for the corporations by the corporations. Wake up people...!!! You've been fed a lie, forefathers probably rolling over in their graves right now. Back then they had monarchies which ruled countries, now we have corporations, the only thing different now is these corporations feed off of a for profit system.

Look at what's happening to our food supply, it's tainted, laced with GMOs, sugar, and pesticides. Food and animals were never ever meant to be massed produced, the result is bacteria and viruses evolving because these corporations are dousing animals and animals with pesticides and antibiotics. It's not the Lyme patients taking antibiotics longterm creating these super bugs, it's mass producing corporations.

Honestly, I think this is worse than fascism. Wake up and take care...


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