Possible Lyme Disease Cure - 25mg Dapsone Day w/ Stevia Xylitol Brown Sugar

So I've had Lyme Disease for about 6 years now, estimated, at least treating for that long with antibiotics and herbals. I went untreated for I'd say 1 1/2 years, but just like most, once this spirochetal bacteria got entrenched in my tissue, treatment became super tough. I've made progress just like traditional Lyme patients with antibiotic protocols like Flagyl+Doxy+Ceftin.  Tindamax and few other antibiotics.  Slowly getting better each year, I'm about 80-90% right now. Joint pain almost entirely gone, very little left in my fingers, but still have chronic fatigue. Even when I work out, lift weights, bench press 300 pounds, and run 5 miles. Doesn't make a difference, the chronic fatigue always comes back, I'm assuming this is caused by biofilms....

When I stay on like 1 doxy everyday, I feel good, but I'm still not myself, have fatigue, and brain fog. And soon as I go off antibiotics, a whole slew of chronic fatigue just swarms me, then I crash. However, that's until I started to treat with Dapsone, plus using Stevia as a biofilm buster. I've been watching Dr. Horrowitz progress with Lyme Disease, reading about his breakthroughs, studying his treatments along with Dr. Burrascano. Two men dedicated to saving people's lives. Because of reading his research about Flagyl, I made quite a bit of progress with my disease years ago, but just like everyone else, that drug didn't help me reach full remission. In his recent breakthroughs with Dapsone, I've been watching his information like a hawk and adding in my own biofilm protocol treatment here and there to see if it would work, so far I'm astonished to find out how much progress I've made. I'm more clear minded, I have energy I've never had, and a lot of my other symptoms are diminishing. And I'm not saying this in reference of months or years of treatment, I'm talking days and few weeks. There was a whole week there where I felt completely normal, then symptoms started to come back... So lets get into that.

First time using Dapsone, I felt terrible, my energy levels tanked quickly on 100mg a day, red blood cell count probably diminished.  But the first day I felt so clear headed and energy sky rocketed. I thought to myself, if only I could replicate that for a longer period of time. So I reduced Dapsone to 25mg, then upped the folic acid, fish oil, COQ10, and other B vitamins. Then added in a pure form of Stevia, I used Stevia Whole Leaf Concentrate by SweetLeaf. Also take about 30-50 billion of probiotics a day, Nutrition Now PB8 10 Probiotic Strains, it's very cheap on Amazon only $12. Then htting liver support hard, Milk Thistle, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Liver Aid(Walmart).  Probiotics are must to prevent C-Diff, I've been on antibiotics for a long time just like most Lyme patients, if you don't replenish your good bacteria, you're going to run into some serious health issues.

I added Stevia underneath the tongue throughout the day numerously, like 5-7 drops holding it in for 15-30 seconds. I swear, for a whole 2 weeks I felt normal. I'm not talking this BS everyone says with other magic cures with Rife Machines, Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Buhner Protocol, etc. While I'm an open minded individual and very much believe anything antibacterial has the potential of putting this disease in remission, I think they're all useless unless you treat the underlying biofilm that make this disease chronic, you'll make very slow progress with this disease using some of those treatments, but it's no magic bullet and could take "years" to reach remission, if that's possible. If any of these were real cures, we'd be hearing more about them, believe me!!!

The the next day like on the 13th or 14th day of the 2nd week, little brain fog starting seeping in my head, I literally felt it. Like my brain go dumb, along with my energy diminishing. I've never felt this before, just like I never felt this clear headed and had this much energy, I felt both the fatigue and brain fog coming back. Now I still felt pretty good, but I was losing some of my qualities of life again. So what I did was, I thought about how Dr. Burrascano helped some his patients reach remission by pulsing, so I tried that that. I took a week off of antibiotics and Stevia entirely, well more like just 4-5 days... Then I put my Stevia and 25mg of Dapsone back into effect on 6th day to see what happens, what ya know, herxing like crazy, and my energy came back along with clear headedness. Magic? Like the Rife Machines?  Nope, not at all, there's studies, like this one done by John Hopkins that showed pulsing antibiotics could help kill off remaining persister cell bacteria.

Now like I said, I've just come across this protocol in the last two months, been playing around with it. I've also found that what else can bring out the herxing is brown sugar for whatever reason, regular sugar doesn't work at all. No joke, I've found serious herxing by eating Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal Pecan & Maple Brown Sugar in combination with Dapsone. Along with eating Bush's Beans which also has brown sugar, with Dapsone. You might be thinking I'm joking about all this, but there's plenty of proof showing how sugar can drive bacteria out of it's natural defense mechanisms like biofilms because it senses something sweet. That's how Dr. Sapi stumbled upon Stevia and Xylitol as a natural biofilm buster, because she assumed since sugar works for traditional bacteria, maybe these herbal sugars might work on stubborn intelligent bacteria like borrelia because they're sweet.

Last few days, I decided to buy some clear empty capsules you can get at Whole Foods and even Amazon for pretty cheap. What I did was, mix some Brown Sugar, some Xylitol, and dripped in some of the Stevia liqud Stevia Whole Leaf Concentrate by SweetLeaf. Took that pill right after taking my 25mg of Dapsone for the day, you want to talk about herxing, craziest herx I've had in years!!! My legs almost fell out beneath me!!!

Now I really didn't get into herxing before in this article, but I do need to touch on this subject. My herxing feels like tingling/pins needles, dizziness, and muscle twitching. That's when I know the antibiotics are working, the herxing I feel with this protocol is so powerful, I've never quite felt this way ever, well maybe somewhat in my first stage of treatment with Lyme, bother other than that, not in a long time.

Now for me, herxing isn't that bad, I don't get ticks, jerks, or seizuers. It isn't painful for me, nor do I have panic attacks. However, I know some people do, so if you try this protocol, please be under Doctor supervision, also start slow with Stevia or some of the other biofilm busters I have mentioned like Xylitol or Brown Sugar mix. I have yet to try Bee Venom, which Dr. Sapi says works great on biofilms too. Just a warning, Dapsone itself can be fatal, there's some people that get hypersensitivity from Dapsone and die. So Doctor supervision please! And remember that I am not a Doctor myself. I also see that Dr. Horrowitz is having success with other Mycobacterium drugs like pyrazinamide, which might have less amount of side effects than Dapsone, so you might want to give that a try too.

We're really just starting to understand why certain antibiotics like Flagyl and Dapsone work so well on patients, remind you they're both antibacterial and antiparasitic, maybe it's because they're treating multiple underlying coinfections at once. Now I have tried Stevia other biofilm busters like nattokinase/serrapeptase with doxycycline, bactrims, zithromax as well, did absolutely nothing for me. No herxing, no energy or clear headedness whatsoever. Like I said up above, this is the first time my head has felt so clear. Kind of the same thing what Dr. Horrowitz has said his wife has felt treating with Dapsone herself, because she also has lyme.  This goes to show, how complex this disease truly is, but on the other hand, this also shows we're making some big progress with the disease, which might lead to a cure within the next few years.

From what I remember, Dr. Horrowitz assumed Dapsone would work well against lyme, because Doctors originally had success with treating Leprosy persister cells. I think it was also one of the antibiotics to show up on the John Hopkins study to kill borrelia persister cells too. I myself have yet to try some of these biofilm busters with potent antibiotics like Daptomycin which was also named of in the study, but just like others very confined by my income. But it would be interesting how well Daptomycin would do with the Stevia...

Before I forget, I want to mention, for the most part, Dapsone alone didn't do a lot for me. I think it helped with clear headedness a little bit, but when I felt most my breakthrough, was taking Stevia right afterwards. So remember that, this goes back to choosing the right combination of biofilm busters with the right antibiotics. I'm also assuming a lot of Stevia tinctures aren't created equally, you're gonna want to go off with the purest form, probably the darkest form. Not the clear tinctures that have been diluted! 

I'm still wondering when this Curza CZ-1-99 biofilm drug supposed to hit the market, last I heard they were in 2nd stage trials two years ago. Meanwhile the FDA has allowed every type of Oxycontin pain pill to pass regulations, along with glyphosate that also recently got labeled as a cancerous carcinogen by the state of California. I'm also curious when this EBC-46, which has also already shown to work against cancerous tumors within 24 hours, when this will hit the market, along with wondering if this will treat maybe Lyme Disease as well. These are two drugs to watch like a hawk because of their significance of already shown to work against deadly chronic disease. Question is, will our corporate lobbied government politicians allow these cures to hit the market. Like Gwen Oslen said in the Documentary Prescription Thugs, no money to be made in cures, these pharmaceutical companies are in the business of disease management and symptoms maintenance. Some food for thought!

Question, why does it have to take someone close to one of these pharmaceutical reps, to die, for them to care about other people. I think this is the same thing said for people and Doctors who treat Lyme Disease, why does it take someone close to them, to start caring for other people. Most, even Dr. Horrowitz and Dr. Burrascano themselves needed someone close to them to come down with disease to care for others. What does that say about our society and culture?

I think we're very selfish, and I tell you what, this thing Gordon Gecko called Greed is good, aka capitalism, isn't making our culture any better. TV has huge percentage of the public convinced that this is what our country was built upon, I guess somewhere they forgot the Republic was built upon Democratic values, by the people for the people. Not by the corporations for the corporations. Somewhere we lost all that and need to gain in back!

I'll be talking more about corruption, medical and scientific breakthroughs in my future posts, but I wanted to keep this post centered around treatment. One day, it would be nice to see Wormser and Shapiro behind bars now that the cats out of the bag about this disease being chronic, what I mean is scientific proof!  I always said to the non-believers, what you think they're looking under two different microscopes? These scientists and doctors are seeing that same God damn thing!  Borrelia's distant cousin Syphilis takes a full year to put in remission, how they ever convinced the public that Lyme only takes 2-3 weeks of antibiotics is beyond me!

Update: This post by Dr. Horrowitz on Stevia and particular antibiotics collaborates to what I've said about this could possibly lead to a cure, I have never felt so better in my life. Be sure to check it out, this is the best lyme literate physician in the world, if you're so called Lyme literate Docotor isn't using antibiotics like Flagyl, Tindamax, Dapsone, Tigercycline in collaboration with Stevia and other biofilm busters, drop them immediately. I've been through my share of so called LLMDs in Michigan, a good portion of them do no treat aggressively, nor do they treat with the right antibiotics or stay up to the latest breakthroughs in Lyme treatment, discoveries are hapening all the time. Sadly, even these so called doctors that consider themselves literate, aren't that literate. Just because you treat longterm with antibiotics doesn't make you a lyme literate doctor in my opinion, which lot of lyme patients on the internet fail to realize.

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