Good health is good wealth part 1.1

Eating health 101

When i have time, i will write post relevant to staying healthy

Understanding your body

When I read articles of eating healthy, I burst into laughter because

  1. You need to read studies of the human body to know what is really going on, not magazines.
  2. Repeating someone else’s medical opinion doesn’t mean in general the advice is intended for everyone especially if it is a medical opinion. We all differ in certain ways.

Thus, this first article touches on the baseline of you and your personal issues that you might face.

Our immune system and auto-immune diseases.

As we all know, our immune system is responsible for taking care of germs and any threats to our body. It can also turn on you if you eat the wrong food which is specific to you!!!
What most people don’t know is that there are two different types of allergic reactions to food.

Two different types of antibodies are involved:

IgE – It will give you an immediate onset.

Symptoms are usually harsh and can lead to immediate death.
Your gut, skin and airways are usually the target in IgE reactions.
Here are the more common chronic diseases associated with IgE reactions:
Asthma, eczema, angioedema, non-seasonal allergic rhinitis (It is like hay fever but with no hay in sight), psoriasis, Crohn’s disease.

  • I use to just vomit my gut out most of the time when it was younger, so I didn’t need any special treatment because my body just got rid of it immediately when I ate something that contained nuts.*

IgG – The reacting is delayed. Symptoms may appear after 2 hour to 6 days because it happens when the food come into your bloodstream. It can affect any part of your body, tissue or organ.


Be very specific when asking for a test and ask what was your blood tested again which foods so that you know if you eat a food that is not on that list, you can assess your health history by recording and reviewing. Be proactive about your life by having a documented diary of what you eating and your how you felt physically and mentally.

Here are some conditions associated with IgG reactions,
(Note well, there are over 100 medical conditions because it can be involved with any tissue or organ in the body)

Diabetes, eczema, chronic fatigue, Ankylosing spondylitis (you don’t want this, trust me in have first-hand experience with it), headaches, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, sleeping disorders, water retention. JUST TO MENTION A FEW.

Here are the most common types of foods that can cause an IgG onset:

Cow’s milk, eggs, gluten – rye-wheat-barley, nuts(all types), soya beans, garlic- STOP SAYING THAT GARLIC IS HEALTHY FOR EVERYONE OR RECOMMENDING IT FOR EVERYONE, SOYBEANS- NO, SOYA MILK ISN'T GOOD FOR ALL, oats, corn, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, lentils, kiwi fruit, pork

I will keep my work as much to the point as possible and not to complexed to read for the ordinary person to comprehend.

Her is a pic of Trafalgar pool in Woodstock, Cape Town, were i used to work as a lifeguard few years back.
This is pic shows you the back view of Table mountain in Cape Town

Till then, take care all and full steem ahead!!

part 1.2 to follow

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