Digestive ailments holistic treatment of aromatherapy: Healing aromas

Taking care of your body with aromatherapy is a pleasant and effective way of treating digestive ailments. Creating a peaceful atmosphere and making time for yourself may help you relieve daily tensions and stress.

When treating digestive disorders, soothing the pain or symptoms is not always enough. Enhancing the environment with different fragrances and aromas, may also be helpful to promote general well-being. Essential oils can affect the mood, alleviate ailments, reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. When inhaled, these aromas work on the nervous system and stimulate digestive organs.

Healing aromas

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Essential oils are the most pure form of botanical oils you can use, although essential oils you can be used therapeutically with incense and aromatherapy candles. For incense the best essentials are juniper and eucalyptus and for candles, lemon and lavender. However, if you are using a clay pot for heating aromatherapy oils, angelica or basil is the best.

To treat or prevent digestive ailments it's fundamental to concentrate on the abdomen. Oriental philosophies consider the abdomen as the energy center called the solar plexus chakra. Breathing focusing on this chakra can also have therapeutic effects.

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