Autophagy Can Bring You Peace Of Mind Regarding Your Health

The medical profession has rediscovered Hippocrates favorite tool and probably what he meant in his famous oath with “First, do no harm”. I’ve done a great deal of study into this phenomenon. The word “autophagy” is from the Greek language and means “eat thyself”. Unlike previous medical breakthroughs that herald a discovery that might be available to patients after 10 years of research hoops and FDA approvals it is available today and at no financial cost. The fact that it can’t be patented or is free to the patient is also a problem for the medical establishment juggernaut. However, there is hope for the uniformed. The Nobel Prize in Physiology was won in 2016 by researchers who identified how autophagy works and what it does within the body.

The problem for proponents of medical use of autophagy is that it does not work in an easily documented way to meet FDA regulations for testing according to Dr. Thomas Seyfried. This means that doctors who support it could lose their licenses to practice medicine if they encourage patients to try it. Or worse yet if a terminal patient who has been told to go home and die by his doctor, but finds a doctor who has the courage to attempt to extend his life using autophagy, if he dies anyway, the doctor could not only lose his license, but face jail time as Linda Hazzard did when she lost a few already dying patients in her efforts to use autophagy to bring them comfort. I take great comfort that even though autophagy didn’t have a name until 1963 it has been used to make and keep people healthy for thousands of years.

What does this have to do with peace of mind? Knowing that there is a proven way (by virtue of thousands of testimonials including my own) to prevent disease especially, but also treat and manage acute disease is way better than sitting around waiting for disease to strike me down and then hoping my doctor can save me. The really cool thing about autophagy is that it attacks only the stuff that is not supposed to be in your body. The body has a brain that we have never been aware of before. This discretionary brilliance is the same for every living creature on earth. Unlike all the other health things you think you know about this one is truly unique in that you don’t have to take a pill, eat certain foods, exercise, buy stuff, and then buy even more stuff! It’s free and requires you to do literally nothing except spend some time to learn about it and what to expect when you engage its power within your body. From here you are on your own. Good luck!


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