Cancer free with juice

Hippocrates "let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food". so right, you are what you eat. Some other factors also plays in but this is the big one.

My advice to fight cancer is to get alot of nutrion, that works well with making juice and smoothies. Use a vegetable mix. like carrot and apple. Use the seeds from the fruit because of b vitamins. Apricot seeds are highest in the b17 vitamin. also called laetrile and is a good anticancer. But seed eating should not be high like eating them as candy, seeds also have anti-nutrients. fighting the body for nutrients. Spinach, broccoli, Kale's and Brussels sprouts are other good vegetables. Other fruit sorts should be high in c vitamin. The fibre gets removed when making juice instead of smoothie and its easier too digest a high volume of vitamins and minerals.

Limit the intake of meat and dairy.

Eat the food raw or only low heat.

Start the day with C vitamin.

Eat organic and nutrious.

Berries and grapes as candy

Try to avoid wireless technology and smoking.

Cancer Super foods:
Goji berries, turmeric, garlic.

Get some sun. When the body gets sun it better absorbs nutrients.

In other cancer research i find gravioli/graviola interesting or the research in antineplastons of Dr. Burzynski.

My advice comes after seeing and reading different sources. Max Gerson(Juice) and John Beard (Apricot seeds). Chris beats cancer on youtube is also some I would recommed.


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