Need More Magical Medicinal Plants in Your life?

This spring I wanted to grow some herbs that would be helpful if I ever needed them.

Cain usually gets a horrible toothache at least once a year, it's so bad that even tea tree oil or cloves essential oil won't/can't do the trick. Although I purchased multiple seed packets for a variety of other things, I want to focus on a very unique plant that is said to ease tooth pain.

Acmella oleracea

or Tooth-Ache Plant

The healing powers are not limited to the teeth, it is said to also help with candida over growth, and relieve cold sores!


Because this was my first time growing this magical plant, I didn't know what it would look like as it was growing so a weed kind of took over the pot it was growing it, but I was left with a few blossoms, if you can call them that.

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They do not have petals, its just this red and yellow head. Here it is head before it fully blossoms:

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So, now that I have it growing, HOW DO I USE IT??

Luckily I have not needed to use this just yet, but from my research, you can simply take a leaf or a flower head, crush it with your fingers and rub on the hurt areas inside your mouth. Others make a tincture and claim it has a better long lasting effect. It makes the area numb and once it wears off, the pain is lessened by 50% at least. I'll be making a tincture with my little bits because it is more effective & I can keep it longer in this form and bring it anywhere I may need it (like Costa Rica.)

Obviously, you should do your own research before rubbing plants in your mouth to ease pain. Some plants can kill you, even though there are no "look-a-likes" for this toothache plant you still need to do adequate research about what you are using, even if its from your own medical doctor! You are responsible for what is put in your body, take action!

♥ I hope you enjoyed this post, all photos are mine with content from my own research and experiences. ♥

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