Household tips to eliminate coughing coughs!

The sickness has become unbearable, life has become miserable? Everybody is looking at you with surprise. Khuskhus cough suffers in pain. Do you suddenly get cough from dry caffeine? Use natural means to avoid coughing pain in a domestic way, without taking medicines made from synthetic ingredients.

So let's learn how to eliminate coughing cough - 7 Home Tips -

bronchitis1. Tighten four Tulsi leaves every day. Tulsi leaves can also be mixed with tea leaves. Tulsi leaves cure very coughs very quickly.

  1. Do not spray mosquito nets or air fresheners in the house. Causes of coughs can be increased because of these.

  2. Quit smoking cough, leave smoking. Smoking causes coughs. So, quit smoking and avoid smokers.

  3. Drink plenty of water. Try to drink light green water every time. If at least 12 glasses of light water is consumed in the day, then cough reduces the cough slightly.

  4. Every morning a tea spoon honey Khan before eating breakfast. Honey is helpful in coughing and reducing less.

  5. Bathe in light hot water daily. Dry cough and cough syndrome will decrease.

  6. Eat hot color tea at least 3 times a day. If you mix ginger with sugar, it will reduce cough.

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