
(By Vic Buaquen)
Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene activity which are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence. It is the study of gene expression, the way genes bring about their phenotypic effects
It appears that Epigenetics is still a growing and evolving science. What follows herewith are mostly notes from cited reference.
Central Dogma (DNA to RNA to Protein) emerged in 1958 – as a hypothesis that never got studied nor proven but accepted by mainstream thought and found in textbooks by 1988. Dogma, as a term, is defined as a belief based on religious persuasion and not scientific fact. The author of our reference quipped “the ten years I thought I was teaching science, I was actually teaching religion.”
Many are still following such dogma as a medical model of conventional medicine. A tragic consequence of this, according to Bruce Lipton, is that we are controlled by our genes and we cannot do anything about that. As victims of our genes we need a rescuer and so comes in now our rescuer – the Big Pharma. Big Pharma is still rescuing a whole lot of people, among others, with what we call “maintenance medicine” which never cures but people take daily until the last day of their life. A brilliant scheme of making everyone a financial slave.
A gene is a physical blueprint to make a protein and does not control biological life. There is so much flawed basic concepts of medical science that medicine is a leading cause of death today. Statistics show there were multiples more of Americans that died in US hospitals for the ten-year war in Vietnam than the death casualties in that war.
The primal element of life is protein and not the DNA. Our body is made up of about 150,000 proteins. In Latin, protein means the “primary element of life.” The DNA is a passive blueprint and does not turn “on” or “off” as is commonly understood today.
Conformational change means protein adapting to signal from the environment, a newly understood process and an enlightening fact.
Hundreds of billions of cells are dying everyday needing replacement, according to Carl Sagan. A huge opportunity for health, wellness and even longevity lies herein. Finding or designing appropriate cell replacements could achieve such goals for us.
Two new sciences; signal transduction - environmental signals transmitted by cell membrane to activate cell behavior. And epigenetics – environmental signal activate genes.
Cell membrane is deemed the brain of the cell for receiving signals from its environment and transmitting same to the cell.
We have two types of proteins. One are the receptors that receive signals from the environment and the effectors that convert signals to biological responses.
DNA gets mutated regularly but not the “junk” DNA which comprises more than 90% of human DNA and are turning out to play a crucial role in human life.
Cancer is 10% heredity and 90% environment. Cancer becomes curable by change of environment or lifestyle. The 10% heredity could be changed by our perceptions and emotions to rid them of their cancer-causing effects. Cancer then becomes quite curable. And this makes us the master of our DNA and not the other way around. In June 2008, Dean Ornish in San Francisco, California separated prostate cancer patients into two groups. One group was given pharmaceuticals and the other was not given any pharmaceutical but taught lifestyle change, how to meditate, change their diet and stress reduction techniques. In 90 days, 500 genes changed their functions that led to healings.
DNA can be caused, by cutting parts and replacing or splicing new parts, to produce new proteins.
Epigenetics now therefore modifies the central dogma as follows: environmental signals control regulatory proteins which controls DNA which produces RNA which produces protein which is us. We could therefore effect a change in the protein at the bottom of this chain by changing the environment signals. We could therefore more fully control our health, our life and longevity.
It seems as if just a part of the dogma was revealed to enable the scheme to enslave mankind, worm its way to society.
There are 50 trillion cells in the body which are contained in the culture media of our blood which are affected by their environment signals. Our cells receive signals through our nervous system via our sensory organs (ears, nose, eyes, tongue and skin) which give us our perception of the environment. Now enters the mind which gives us our interpretation of our perception of our environment. According to our interpretation the brain releases chemicals that are sent to the blood and nervous system to effect changes in our body cells. Thus these signals affect behavior and gene activity thereby paving the way for us becoming our own “self biologist” and creators of our reality.
Positive interpretation of our perception such as seeing someone we love, enlivens the body, making it radiant and seeming to glow thereby bringing the body to its fullest potential for growth. Negative interpretation that would give fear signals to the body, on the other hand, makes for the release of stress hormones and inflammatory agents to our cells that stops them from growing and eventually lead to cell deaths.
If we could stop negative or fear signals, the body could regenerate and resume its growth processes. Today however, we are under stress, 24/7. and continually bombarded with the negative interpretation of others thru the media via news, TV and radio broadcast, movies, etc. Understanding this should enable us to protect ourselves and reject negative interpretation of others. We are capable and enabled to create positive signals and interpretations for a more fruitful, longer and healthier life not only for ourselves but also for others. These give the empowerment to each human to build and create his own life.
We are each a cell in the universal environment that come and go in our earthly life, affected by signals from a constant, eternal and ever powerful source, God. Cognizing and accepting this might just enable us heavenly life in our earthly sojourn.

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