The US government officially acknowledged that cannabis destroys cancer cells !


A group of scientists who found that cannabis could be effective in the fight against cancer were joined by scientists closely linked to the US government. This news is all the more remarkable, since the US government has long been openly showing restraint to any theory about the healing effects of active substances in cannabis.

By studying on mice and rats, scientists have found that cannabinoids, which are active cannabis substances, can slow down or even prevent cancerous diseases. They work to kill diseased cells or block key blood vessels on which tumors grow for their growth, while healthy cells remain intact.

These days, these were recorded on the website, maintained by the American Cancer Society. It also promotes the effects of chemotherapy. Some findings suggest that CBD, one of nearly 100 active substances in cannabis, may increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy, while not encouraging any of the unpleasant side effects that are otherwise associated with chemotherapy.

Based on research on mice, it has also been found that cannabinoids can also protect against intestinal inflammation and may reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer, but they also allow the possibility that it help with treatment. Similar effects were also observed in the study of another active substance, delta-9-THC, on liver, lung and breast cancer.

Recognition that "in laboratory conditions cannabis destroys cancer cells", is the great change in US official health policy regarding the medical use of cannabis. Even in Europe, legislation slowly opens up in this direction, but it is not uncommon for those who argue that the list of diseases in which cannabis use is allowed for medical purposes is still too modest.

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