Benefits Of Binahong Lead For Treatment


Generally water boiled leaf binahong used for treatment, including are as follows:

  1. Diabetes: use eleven sheets of boiled binahong leaves, then drink the boiled water every day.

  2. Shortness of breath: boil seven pieces of binahong leaves, then drink every day.

  3. Stabilize blood pressure (low blood pressure): boil eight pieces of binahong leaves, boiled water drunk every day.

  4. Cough that causes vomiting blood: boil ten sheets of binahong leaves, and drink the stew every day.

  5. Lung disease: use ten leaves of binahong and boil, and drink this herb every day.

  6. Helps cure diabetes (diabetes).

  7. Relieve shortness of breath.

  8. Helps restore stamina.

  9. Accelerate wound healing.

  10. Overcoming blood clots and inflammation.

  11. Recovering bruises.

  12. Prevent stroke.

  13. Reduces arthritis.

  14. Prevent gout.

  15. Ambien (hemorrhoids).

  16. Headache disorders.

  17. Treating Itching.

  18. Maintain the immune system.

  19. Bowel swelling.

  20. Nosebleed Nose.

  21. Health problems after surgery and childbirth.

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