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The Type Of Stroke You Need To Know

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Often we hear the term stroke, and this is often associated with the condition of someone who is severely ill or even death, so spooky lest we do not recognize the type of stroke attack when first appeared. Stroke is a disorder of brain function that occurs due to cessation of blood supply to the brain, either due to blockage (ischemic stroke) and because of rupture of blood vessels (hemorrhagic stroke). Strokes often occur suddenly, whenever and wherever, while resting and while being active.

This stroke disease, often experienced by anyone both men and women. But this disease, mostly occurs in old age. The age of twilight is easily attacked by various kinds or types of diseases. And one of them is a type of stroke. Parents who are affected by a stroke are usually the result of a hardened blood vessel and fat accumulation in the blood vessels that make blood stuck on the brain nerve.

Unlike strokes that attack and productive age is usually due to drug use, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol and heredity. there are two types of strke you need to know. namely Ischemic stroke and Hemorrhagic stroke. The most common type of stroke, approximately 85%, is ischemic stroke, where blood flow to the brain is clogged by blood clots or fatty deposits called plaque in the lining of blood vessels. [1]

Then what is the difference between the two

1. Ischemic stroke

Ischemic stroke occurs due to blockage of blood vessels that supply the blood of the ketak. This type of stroke is most common. The basic condition of ischemic stroke is the accumulation of fat lining the blood vessel wall (called atherosclerosis). Cholesterol, homocysteine and other substances that stick to the walls of the arteries, forming a sticky substance called plaque. Over time, plaque builds up. This often makes the blood difficult to flow properly and cause blood clots (thrombus). [2]

How to recover ischemic stroke

Recovery of ischemic stroke is done by the medical world in the form of restoration of blood circulation to the brain as soon as possible. Various ways of treatment are usually applied in this recovery process, including with the care of using certain drugs such as aspirin and TPA or Alteplase or intravenous injection plasminogen tissue activator. Aspirin medication is used to prevent more severe stroke. This drug is believed to also stop the formation of blood clots. Rules use this drug is very varied and unfortunately have side effects of blood texture so dilute. [3]

Another ischemic stroke recovery process can be performed by a doctor in an emergency, with treatment directly to the brain. Where a thin or long tube or tube is inserted into the blood vessels to the arteries in the groin to the brain area. While the other way of recovery can be with the discharge on the mechanical clot. Usually medical experts wear a catheter and then inserted inside the brain. The goal is to remove and take the clots on the blood vessels. After the blood clot is removed in the blood vessels, the impact of blood circulation becomes more fluent. That way people with ischemic stroke disease can recover from this disease. While other ischemic stroke healing procedures are at higher risk by dividing the blood vessels blocked by clots or plaque. [4]

2. Hemorrhagic Stroke

Hemorrhagic Stroke Hemorrhagic disease is a stroke caused by rupture of blood vessels in the brain causing bleeding in the brain tissue or around the brain. So in the end the affected part of the brain can not function properly. The duration and development of symptoms of stroke for each patient vary depending on the severity and location of the bleeding experienced, and the amount of brain tissue affected. Bleeding in the brain is very high risk for the death of brain cells due to the pressure of the blood pile continuously in the nearby brain tissue. [5]

How to recover Hemorrhagic Stroke

  • Emergency Surgery (Emergency Surgery)
  • Surgery is sometimes necessary to remove any blood, and relieve the pressure that occurs or to repair the blood vessels. This surgical procedure is usually performed with a so-called craniotomy. This operation should be performed by a neurosurgeon. During the operation, a small portion of the skull is cut so that the surgeon can access the cause of the bleeding and repair the damaged blood vessels and ensure no blood clots can limit the blood flow in your brain. If a blood clot has formed, it may soon be removed. After the bleeding stops, the skull piece may be replaced.

  • Using a doctor's recommended medicine
  • In addition to what I have mentioned above. another step for stroke treatment is to consume the drug. The doctor may also make other drugs designed to break the blood in the blood. These drugs can be injected through a thin tube (catheter) in your arteries. The most common drug used to treat stroke is known as tissue plasminogen activator (TPA). This will help break down the clot that has formed in the brain. Other drugs that can eventually be used to thin the blood and reduce the risk of stroke in the future are clopidogrel and warfarin. Statins have also been shown to reduce the problem in stroke patients. [6]

  • Rehabilitation
  • in addition to handling this type of stroke can also be done by doing rehabilitation to prevent disabled victims in a long time. Some rehabilitation needs to be done such as learning to climb stairs guided by someone, trying to eat, or just walking.

    That's some of the two types of strokes that often strike without knowing the age if we do not set the pattern of life well. therefore the need for knowledge of this because stroke also become one of the dangerous diseases that need to be avoided early, since it has not happened to you. []

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