Lean; Not just a beauty problem!

Bitter is a common skin infection, with white spots on the skin. It can affect any age, any gender and any race. In English, this problem is called Vitiligo. This problem occurs when the skin-colored skin melons (melanocytes) are destroyed. Globally, Affects 0.3 to 0.5 people affects.

What is the reason for the break up?
What is sure to happen is not yet understood. Genetic causes are estimated to have many causes, such as autoimmune cause (body immune system attack and destruction of melanocytes), oxidative stress, neurological causes.

Who is having trouble?
The thigh can begin at any age, with its extreme status in the second and third decades of life. It is equally visible in both men and women. Those who have autoimmune problems (thyroid problem, leaky yasis, type 1 diabetes) are more likely to develop.

What are the symptoms?
The appearance of white spots on the skin is the symptom of the skin. Only a few such spots can be seen or different sizes and shaped spots may appear. They usually appear in the body, such as the hands, legs, face, and lips that are exposed to the environment.

What is the treatment?
Thong is a long-term health problem. It is treated to reduce its seriousness, but it is difficult to heal whole.
The existing treatments include medications and surgeries. Treatment is based on the patient's choice and how much skin infections are affected.
Pharmaceutical treatments include creams (corticosteroid creams, tacrolimus, etc.) that can be applied to the skin.
Phototherapy (Pievia - Soralin + UVA or NBUVB - Narrowband UBB). This treatment should be provided 2 to 3 times a week, and these treatments should be provided several times (200 to 300 times). It has less side effects, more effective than creams or lotions.

Surgery: Surgery should be performed when drug treatment fails. It includes: Skin transplants (one side of the patient's skin is transmitted to the lung section of the healthy skin). There are some types of split skin thickness transplants, punch transplants etc.

Tin: Types

  • Divisional segments (segmental vitiligo): White spots appear only on one side of the body.
  • General: Where the spots are and what shape-size is not specific. This is a commonly occurring form. The arts are almost identical and many are present.
  • Acrophatic: It occurs in most fingers and colts.
  • Mucosal: Appears in lip and genital areas.
  • Universal: The skin loses color in most parts of the body. This is a rare type of nerve.
  • Focal: One or few white spots appear scattered. It is most likely caused by young children.

Other options for treatment include:

  • Sunscreens
  • Makeup to close the white stains
    Or casechics like dye
  • Tattooing
  • Counseling and support

Tin: common misconceptions

  1. Tong spreads from contact.
    Touching, hugging, kissing etc does not spread the contact. It is not infectious.
  2. Tin is caused by sunlight.
    Sunlight does not have any role in the formation of the tooth. Tone sufferers are more sensitive to sunlight, so regular sunscreen should be used.
  3. Thong is leprosy.
    Not everyone who has bleeding on the skin is lepers. A leprosy is an infectious disease that occurs in white spots that have lost sensitivity. This is a healing disease.
  4. Tone gene disease.
    Only about 2% of the nose is associated with genes and genes only in patients.

Tin: Rapid facts

  1. The long-term problem, the whole healing is difficult
  2. The beauty worsens, and most patients become mentally disturbed.
  3. The throat is not infected.
  4. It is difficult to guess how glycogenes spread and spread to other parts of the body. This spread can be extended in a few weeks or even for months and years.
  5. No way has been found to prevent the stinging of the tooth.

Facing social challenges and winning
Bitter is not just a beauty problem; This makes the person physically and mentally disturbed. Most nail patients experience a problem in society and are experiencing problems like anxiety and anxiety.
Black or dark colored skin can be more problematic; Because white spots are more focused on the skin. In India, Together is called a "white leprosy", which is an infectious disease that affects the organs, but it can be cured. Health

June 25 is celebrated as a World Tuberculosis Day every year to enhance awareness of the disease.


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