GenX poisoned drinking water.

Chemical company Chemours dumps chemicals that are known to cause cancer into the drinking water and in the air.

The Chemical FRD-903 is found in the drinking water in many cities around the chemical plant.
People who live around the plant are advised not to eat food out of their own gardens, but since the chemical company has a licence to dump their waste into the water the government tells people that it is perfectly safe because they once gave the license to the company.

FRD-903 (chemical name 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-2-(heptafluoropropoxy)propanoic acid) is a chemical compound that is used in the GenX process. It is not biodegradable and is not hydrolysed by water.[1][2]

Chemours is a spin-off of the American DuPond

What do steemians think of this?

Is the water safe to drink? Or have thousands of people been poisoned with cancer.
Do you live near a company that produces the same chemicals?
Do you know if they dump poison in your drinking water?
How do you know if it is safe or not?
How do you know if the food in the supermarket was not produced near such a plant?
What is FRD-902 and FRD-903 used for? - Tuns out to be a main ingredient for Teflon (PTFE) production.

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