Time to Butt out day 3

I'm not going to milk this too much, nor will I bore anyone too much with my "progress". It's obvious this blog is more for me than anyone else; but it at least gives me a chance to reflect on my own progress.

So yesterday I cheated a little; I had a couple smokes. But from a pack to only two is much better. Today.. well today is complete COLD TURKEY. It's the afternoon and I haven't had a craving YET! Once a week I refrain from smoking anyways, so going without one for a day is no big deal either. I read that the nicotine stay's in your system for about 3 days.

Since the withdrawal hasnt' kicked in, I'll have to warn my family members why I may have a short temper.

Once I hit day 5, I should be clear to go. I guess I'll have to load up on gum for the more stressful days ahead.

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