Crafting your own toothpaste - healthy, easy, simpe :)

Making your own toothpaste is cheap, fast, healthy and very very easy.

But why should you make your toothpaste in the first place?
The major reason for me to craft my own toothpaste is the fluoride in store bought ones.
Of course, western medicine tells us that it is the only substance which can keep the teeth in good condition,
but when you really believe that, you basically say that all people threw history had bad teeth, because humanity started using fluoride just in the last century.
You can read thousands of pages how bad fluoride is for your body and brain, so i really don´t want to go to deep in why you should not use it.
I just want to show you a simple way that keeps my teeth healthy and clean for over 2 years now :)

So, lets get started:


First ingredient: oil

You can use pretty much every kind of natural plant oil (don´t use oil :D), but i really recommend coconut-oil because:

  • it is antibacterial
  • it is solid under 26 degrees
  • it tastes really awesome
  • you can also use it for dry skin and a ton of other uses, it is a health and cooking allrounder :)

Second ingredient: baking soda

Baking soda ( sodium bicarbonate) is in the recipe because it helps to gently scratch off food-rests of the teeth.
You only need very little, I usually only take a knife tip for one portion.

Third ingredient: essential oils

Essential oils are really just for the taste of the mixture.
I really like peppermint oil, because with a few drops of it the toothpaste tastes exactly like regular toothpaste :)
But of course you can use any taste you want.
In my experience:

  • peppermint
  • sweet orange and
  • eucalyptus
    are the best ones.
    Just take a 3-5 drops of the essential oil you want, taste the mixture and add up more if you want, of course you can mix the oils too if you like.

Additional ingredients:

  • You can also add some curcuma powder with your toothpaste, but i don´t recommend it because of the taste and the color, it has some health-benefits, but the taste is a no-go for me.
  • Also charcoal-powder is often added, but i really don´t like the dark color, so haven´t really tried it yet.

How to mix it up?

Very easy:

  • warm up the coconut-oil to make it liquid
  • add a knife tip of baking soda
  • add a few drops of essential oil of your choice
  • steer it up
  • let it cool to get solid

That is it folks :)

Some tips:

  • Don´t make too much at one time, it loses its fine taste after about 2 weeks
  • If you are in a hurry, you don´t have to use essential oils and baking soda, no worries coconut-oil by itself is a quite good toothpaste :)
  • never add too much essential oils or baking soda, it really ruins the taste if it is too much, sometimes less is more :)

Thanks a lot for your attention folks, if you have any questions, just leave them in the comments ;)

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