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To keep mosquitoes away from time to time, cleanliness of the house is extremely important. Especially, if you have water stored around your house then it is necessary to remove it. Mosquito bites include many diseases, including dengue and malaria. But besides dengue-malaria, many deadly diseases are due to mosquitoes. Come on, know about the diseases that are caused by mosquito bites ...
In most cases, symptoms are not present at the beginning, so it is difficult to catch. Eyelid redness, fever, joints pain are symptoms of this. Pregnant women and infants have a higher risk. Due to this disease, babies have an impact on the brain and their head size is also small. This disease spreads much in Southeast Asia, Brazil, the Caribbean country and South and Central America.
There are often no signs of this virus mosquito bite emerging. However, symptoms like fever, diarrhea, joint pain can sometimes appear. In case of illness, there may be brain infections such as meningitis and insufflation in some cases.

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