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Nowadays, the new trends have started on fruit. Instead of eating fresh fruits, people are paying drought frutes. This is because one is easy to carry and it is claimed that there are as many nutrients in it as are fresh fruits. But really, this type of fruit is healthy for you, let's know.
Fruits are good sources of fiber. However, when you dry them, its concentration of fiber and nutrients increases significantly. In your stomach difficulties to digest more fiber, there may be cramps, flatulence and swelling problems.
Calorie and sugar content in dried fruits is also very high. This amount can increase digestive problems. Dried fruits also increase the amount of sulfite which can cause headache and diarrhea.
Despite all these deficiencies, dried fruits are better fried and better than any other snack made from it. However, it is important to take care of some things during their intake.

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