the afficacy of betel nut

The majority of people already know about Pinang. The fruit is in English called betel palm has a variety of names ranging from Jambe, Bua, Penang, Pineung, and others. The Areca tree has the characteristics of a straight height-it can reach a height of 25 meters-and its canopy is not overgrown. The leaves are shaped like a tube with a length of 80 cm and the tip of the leaf looks torn.

Substances contained in fruit Pinang include arecolidine, arecaidine, guvacoline, guracine, and several other compounds. Meanwhile, the seeds of this plant are also useful, has alkaloids such as arekaina and arekolina are addictive and can stimulate the brain.

Among the traditional communities, Pinang fruit is usually used as a mixture to eat Sirih. However, most people are already using this fruit to treat dysentery, scurvy, and bloody diarrhea. While, Pinang seed is usually used to treat deworming, especially to treat tapeworms.


Many people look for ways to improve their stamina so that they are not sluggish. To get a strong stamina and greng, then the matter of food and supplements should be considered optimally.
Speaking of supplements, perhaps not many people know if it turns out Pinang fruit can be used as a natural supplement to increase male stamina.
From ancient times until now, many people believe that the Pinang fruit has special ingredients that can increase male strength.
For example, it is said that many of our soldiers use Pinang when they have to fight against invaders and wander in the forest.
They consume a lot of Pinang fruit as a daily meal. And proven, many of them who have a steady stamina, although rarely get a share of food.
Pinang fruit is also believed to increase the stamina of adult men, especially those who are married. Pinang fruit can be made juice which is also mixed with various materials.
After 1 piece of young Pinang that has not been harden prepared, separate from the skin. Then, mix it with chicken egg yolk or duck egg. Combine Honey and milk as well. Then, blend until smooth.

that's all my blog, may be useful, thanks......

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