Mental Health Awareness on Well-being in Today's World

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There is these phenomenal change in today's world mindset, people are beginning to accept the fact that the mental health is as important as physical health which effects maximum to everything in our life. Even the research data also suggest that poor mental health of an individual can effect the people around them like friends, family and even so a community. Some mental health advocacy groups and organisations are working their best to raise awareness on the issues caused by the poor mental health.

The emotions we experience when we are under stress, thinking, feel and act upon it. It simply is the positive thinking capabilities one possess to think under pressure and feel the necessity of he situation and act upon the situation to resolute it. Mental unhealthy is not a weakness or a flaw. It is a complex chain of actions and thoughts developed from the environment, biological, genetic and psychological factors. It can effect any individual without regard for their physical traits. Providing comfort to others while they are expressing themselves and being honest works a bit. Encourage if any wanted to take the support and you feel like they are thinking that it's a sign of weakness. Mental health is neither a choice nor a weakness, it's and amalgamation of plenty of events of psychological effects due to stress and environment of surroundings.

Sharing one's personal experience when they were dealing with mental health and being honest about it can show the support they need to grow theirs. These personal experiences will reflect in the reduction of stigna associated with mental health. Instead of discussing the issues of mental illhealth, try to focus on the benefits of mental health and show the personal benefits on achieving it. Through these ways one can maintain the balance of mental health and physical health both at the grip of mind. The collaboration between the all the stake holders like health professionals, communities, policy makers and employers.

Promoting the reduction of stig around the mental health and the awareness creation required to be mentally healthy is our goal. Educating the people on the misconceptions of stigma can lead to a better understanding and we can observe the increase in awareness on mental health. Sometimes these stigma around the mental health can prevent the individual for asking any support from others. Feeling encouraged and supported can break the stigma and reach out for help and support for better understanding the mental health. we can build a culture of acceptance and understanding, encouraging individuals to seek help, support each other, and thrive mentally.

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