Hot toddies make having the flu more bearable

Its that time of the year. Flu season. Working at an elementary school, I, unfortunately work dead center of ground zero for any outbreak. Its inevitable, that every year, the flu will hit me right between the proverbial eyes.

There has been one go to remedy that cant be beat. Warm, soothingly sweet, hot toddies. I don't think i have ever found a better home remedy than this!

Hot toddy recipe ingredients can vary slightly from place to place but usually have these things in common: hot water, honey, lemon, and a stout alcohol. At home we also use black tea or our favorite herbal tea to flavor it more.

Bourbon is my favorite type of whiskey to use. Every person in my family has used bourbon for as long as i can remember. I dont know if there is something special about, but it has never let me down!

I always reach for local honey in mine, to help with allergies at the same time.

Black tea is a must for me. And its got to be strong!!


Then lemon at the end for a big boost of vitamin c!

It soothes my throat, clears my sinuses, eases the aches, and helps me sleep. I really cant think of a better way to deal with the cold and flu! Here is the complete recipe:

4 black tea bags
2 tlbs honey
1 wedge of lemon
1 1/2 oz of bourbon
8 oz boiling water

Steep tea in water for 5 minutes and remove bags. Add honey and bourbon, stir to dissolve. Squeeze lemon wedge into cup, stir and sip to enjoy.

Id love to hear what you do to battle the cold and flu, so please comment below and thanks for stopping by!
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