Difficulties lead to beautiful baby

Now that we are home from the hospital I can update everyone. These last six days have been mentally and emotionally exhausting and have been a roller coaster of events. I was diagnosed with mild preeclampsia Wednesday morning and began the process of induction which took 24 hours. For me this was the hardest moment of the 6 days we spent at the hospital, I was confined to bed and couldn't hardly get up to even go to the bathroom. I had 2 monitors on my belly one to track the baby's heart-rate and the other to track my contractions, I also had a permanent blood pressure cuff on me that would check my pressure every 30 minutes and I had an IV needle connected to my hand continuously pumping Pitocin (an induction medicine). With all that stuck on me not only was I confined on the bed but mostly confined to a single position, every time I moved a nurse had to come in and readjust all my monitors. On top of all this I could not eat food because it would be dangerous in the case I ended up in surgery. I labored for 24 hours and felt every moment of this, I had denied pain medication because the risk factors to my baby were too high for me to feel comfortable having them, instead I chose to use breathing techniques and just ride it out with the idea that I was about to meet my baby girl soon. Unfortunately at 7 am on Thursday morning I had shown no progress, Although I had felt the worse of the contractions I had not dilated past 2 cm, this was after my water had already broken. In hopes that all I needed was a little more time my doctor gave me 3 more hours to labor but if he saw no more progress at that point the baby was at too high risk and an emergency C-section would have to be done. At 10 am the call was made, still no progress, my doctor was concerned for both me and the baby and it was time to go to surgery. I don't remember much after that I was soon put under anesthesia and by 11:20 am that day my baby girl was born.


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