What really causes heart issues?

It’s common to relate heart diseases to the high cholesterol level and excess of high-fat, deep-fried foods.

More often than not they say that if a person has heart issues, it’s because he or she has unhealthy diet (and unhealthy always means a lot of fats and cholesterol).

But is this really so?

What about those people who spent their lives on low-fat diets, but died of heart attacks?


The factors that cause heart issues may lie deeper than we think — at least that’s what says Dwight Lundell, former surgeon and author of books The Cure for Heart Disease and The Great Cholesterol Lie.

According to Dr. Lundell, when it comes to heart diseases, inflammation of artery walls is to blame, which, in its turn causes cholesterol buildup, hence the heart issues.

Lundell points out that when doctors try to treat heart issues by decreasing cholesterol level, they make a common medical mistake: that is, try to eradicate symptoms rather than causes.


In fact, artery walls inflammation is quite natural.
That’s how our bodies protect themselves from various bacteria, toxins and viruses.

But taking into account how much unhealthy food we eat (and in some cases, we may also add alcohol and smoking to the list), this helpful inflammation becomes chronic — and, as a result, not so helpful.


What’s more, so called diet food, that is low-fat food, harms our blood vessels just as much.

Foods high on simple carbs (like sugar or starchy foods) and some vegetable oils (corn, soy, sunflower) are in a blacklist too.

The diet Dr. Lundell offers is quite simple, but logical: only natural products, no chemically treated or lasting foods and never ever try to exclude wholesome fats. They are crucial for making your body (and your heart in particular) function correctly.


Sugar is your enemy!

Appearance of low-fat foods led to production of high-sugar products. That’s the reason why people develop heart issues.

Natural products are a key to your health and well-being. Semi-finished products, sweets and foods stuffed with chemicals are your heart killers.

Eat fruits and vegetables, cereals, meat, fish and eggs, olive and linseed oil, nuts and dried fruits. A balanced diet will help you control your blood sugar level and your heart will work perfectly.



I forgot to mention that best comment to this and all next my posts (I hope so) will get 10 Steem Dollars (thanks to @richman for reminding me. He does the same by the way).

I do appreciate all your upvotes and comments. Thanks

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