AncientMystique--------->Vaccinations: A TimeLine of Causation and Correlation.


I would like to draw a timeline...

A timeline of Vaccine schedule vs Rates of illnesses.

Vaccination Schedule 1984-

2 months---->DTP-1, OPV-1
4 months---->DTP-2, OPV-2
6 months---->DTP-3
15 months---->MMR
18 months---->DTP-4, OPV-3
4-6 years---->DTP-5, OPV-4
14-16 years---->Td (Tetanus, diphtheria)

Vaccination Schedule 1989-

2 months---->DTP-1, OPV-1
4 months---->DTP-2, OPV-2
6 months---->DTP-3
15 months---->MMR, DTP-4
18 months---->HbCV
4-6 years---->DTP-5, OPV-4
14-16 years---->Td (Tetanus, diphtheria) (recommended now to repeat every 10 years of life)

Vaccination Schedule 1994-

1-2 months---->HepB
2 months---->DTP, OPV, Hib
4 months---->DTP, OPV, Hib, HepB
6 months---->DTP, OPV, Hib
6-18 months---->HepB
12-15 months---->MMR, Hib
15 months---->DTap/DTP
4-6 years---->DTap/DTP, OPV, MMR

Vaccination Schedule 1995-

1-2 months---->HepB, DTP, Hib, OPV
2 months---->DTP, OPV, Hib
4 months---->DTP, OPV, Hib, HepB
6 months---->DTP, OPV, Hib
6-18 months---->HepB
12-15 months---->MMR, Hib
15 months---->DTap/DTP
4-6 years---->DTap/DTP, OPV, MMR
11-16 years---->Td, MMR

Vaccination Schedule 1996-

1-2 months---->HepB
2 months---->DTP, OPV, Hib
4 months---->DTP, OPV, Hib
6 months---->DTP, OPV, Hib, HepB
6-18 months---->HepB
12-18 months---->MMR, Hib, Var (Chickenpox)
4-6 years---->DTap/DTP, OPV, MMR
11-16 years---->Td, MMR, Var

Vaccination Schedule 1997-

1-2 months---->HepB
2 months---->DTap/DTP, Polio(oral or injection), Hib
4 months---->DTap/DTP, Polio, Hib
6 months---->DTap/DTP, Polio, Hib, HepB
6-18 months---->HepB, Hib, Polio
12-18 months---->MMR, Hib, Var (Chickenpox)
4-6 years---->DTap/DTP, Polio, MMR
11-16 years---->Td, HepB, MMR, Var

Vaccination Schedule 1998-

1-2 months---->HepB
2 months---->DTap/DTP, Polio(oral or injection), Hib
4 months---->DTap/DTP, Polio, Hib
6 months---->DTap/DTP, Polio, Hib, HepB
6-18 months---->HepB, Hib, Polio
12-18 months---->MMR, Hib, Var (Chickenpox)
4-6 years---->DTap/DTP, Polio, MMR
11-16 years---->Td, HepB, MMR, Var

Current Vaccination Schedule as of 2016/2017-

1-2 months---->HepB, Rotavirus,DTap, Hib, Pnuemoccocal, Polio
2 months---->DTap, Polio(oral or injection), Hib, Meningococcal
4 months---->DTap, Polio, Hib, Pnuemoccocal, Rotavirus
6 months---->DTap, Polio, Hib, HepB, Rotavirus, Influenza (Annual)
9 months---->HepB, Polio, Influenza booster, Meningococcal
12 months---->HepB, Pnuemoccocal, MMR, Hib, Var (Chickenpox), Hep A
18 months---->MMR, Var, HepA, DTap,
4-6 years---->DTap, Polio, MMR, Var
11-16 years---->DTap, MMR, Var, Meningococcal, HPV,



Illness and Disabilities Timeline:


  • SIDS is the leading cause of death among babies between 1 month and 1 year of age.
  • Most SIDS deaths occur when babies are between 1 and 4 months old; 90% before 6 months.
  • More Boys than Girls die from SIDS
  • In the past, SIDS occurred, what seemed, more often in the colder months. But today-The numbers are evenly spread throughout the year.


  • First thing to say is the life expectancy for people with diabetes is lower than the general population by about 15 years
  • Worldwide Prevalence of diabetes continues to increase Dramatically
  • Certain Viruses may trigger autoimmune destruction of islet cells (insulin producing cells) (Source)
  • Type 2 diabetes was only really seen in middle age or older adults before the 1990's (Source)
  • Type 1 development is NOT USUALLY related to lifestyle habits, insulin resistance or obesity-But an issue with Autoimmunity. (Source)
  • Type 2 diabetes is occurring in younger populations more often every year, So complications such as kidney disease and heart disease will become more common at younger ages too. (Source)
  • The rate of atopic dermatitis (AD) among children aged less than 18 years has increased from 9% to 17% among black children; from 5% to 10% among Hispanic children; and from 8% to almost 13% among white children from 2000 to 2010, results of a household survey conducted by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate. (Source)
  • In 2008, the CDC reported an 18% increase in food allergies among children between 1997-2007
  • A study release by the CDC in 2013 shows food allergies in children increased approximately 50% between 1997 and 2011
  • Most allergies correct themselves before 5 years of age, however they are resolving more slowly than previous recorded decades
  • Allergies affect children under the age of 5 the most severely
  • The prevalence of food allergies and anaphylaxis is still rising
    (Original Source)
  • It is more common in males 0-14
  • Rate of asthma is twice the rate on average in indigenous populations
  • Around 2.5 million Australians suffer with Asthma
  • People with Asthma have a reported, lower quality of life
  • In 2014, 419 people and children died from Asthma (Source)
    Childhood Alzheimer's/Niemann Pick Type C Disease=
  • Niemann-Pick disease is a condition that affects many body systems. It has a wide range of symptoms that vary in severity. Niemann-Pick disease is divided into four main types: type A, type B, type C1, and type C2. These types are classified on the basis of genetic cause and the signs and symptoms of the condition.
  • Infants with Niemann-Pick disease type A usually develop an enlarged liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly) by age 3 months and fail to gain weight and grow at the expected rate (failure to thrive). The affected children develop normally until around age 1 year when they experience a progressive loss of mental abilities and movement (psychomotor regression). Children with Niemann-Pick disease type A also develop widespread lung damage (interstitial lung disease) that can cause recurrent lung infections and eventually lead to respiratory failure. All affected children have an eye abnormality called a cherry-red spot, which can be identified with an eye examination.
  • This disorder used to be classed as rare-Only affecting 1 in 2 or 3 2015 the numbers had risen to 1 in 150, 00.

  • Every single day, 43 kids are diagnosed with cancer

  • 12% don't survive past the first year

  • Average age of diagnosis is around 6

  • 60% of childhood cancer survivors suffer later effects lie: infertility, heart failure and secondary cancers

  • Even with the cure rate 'supposedly' improving-The rate of childhood cancer has been increasing over the last 3 decades. (From 13 in 100,000 in 17 per 100,000 in 2005.....)

  • After accidents, Cancer is the second leading cause of death of our Children
    (Source#1) (Source#2) (Source#3)
    Neurological Disorders=

  • Boys are more likely to be affected than girls

  • Children are diagnosed around age 6 on average

  • neurological disorder map shot.png

  • neurological disorders graphs.png

    ADHD:ADD 1997-2013 graph...CDC.png

  • This is everything I had to choose from under the guise of 'neurological disorders', so here is the extensive list of disorders:
    list of neurological disorders.png


Have you noticed any similarities?? Age? Sex?

What I want to show in this post, is the correlation of growth in childhood illness and the growth of the childhood vaccination schedule.

This summary is quite shortened compared to the what I could continue going on about....However, If it isn't glaringly obvious that we need to review this 'schedule' .......

than maybe I should have included an eye doctor's contact details :')

Steemon & Be Brave

:purple_heart: :blue_heart: :sparkles: :heartbeat: :sparkles: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:

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