Menstrual Stress and Solution
Are you a lady? Do you have a sister, mum,wife, a girl friend,or any female in your life?... Then, this topic is for you!

Menstrual flow is supposed to be a life fulfilling thing.. but on the contrary,some ladies dread it's coming like a plague.

If you feel pains, depressed and even feel temperamental when on your menstrual flow, I wouldn't say it's abnormal, but it can be corrected.

  1. Use hot towel/bag on your

This will ease the tension on the lower abdomen and the waist. It will make the flow easier and stress-free

  1. Take aspirin before menstrual flow()

This should be taken immediately after the flow begins. You can also take other pain relievers like ibuprofen and it's likes, depend on which gives you a soothing relief.


This is very vital,especially for the waist area. It mustn't be rigorous exercise. It could be done sitting,standing or even lying on the bed... To make this more effective, you can go on a daily routine(before and after the flow), and the result will suprise you!

  1. Take a

This works just like normal exercise, but with less stress. It gives your waist that freedom you need and keeps the pain away... Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, get up girl, take a walk

  1. Take hot herbal

This will help the flow to be painless and free, it will also keep the body warm.

These are just few amonst the many things one can do to eliminate cramps. You can decide to do all or pick a few and work on them! Then menstrual flow won't be bad after

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