Children should have fever!✌✌✌✌

Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital Professor Dr. Tamanna Begum Children have fever for various reasons.

If you do not feel anxious, go to the doctor and get the right treatment.
Q: What do we understand as children's fever?

Answer: In fact the fever is a symptom. One of the symptoms of any illness is fever. First of all, the mothers will have to understand, when we will tell the fever. When our body temperature goes above 98.5, we consider it to be fever. Many mothers are holding hands on the forehead, saying they are burning, many fever. The fever will not be on the forehead only. The whole body will be there. We have a tendency to measure fever with our hands. If the fever is actually fever, then the mother should record it by measuring the thermometer. If it is 99 or 100, then it is understandable that the fever is not too much. If there is over one hundred, the feces should be measured at least three times. Because, this fever is not a normal fever. Measure, the fever is moving.

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