Benefits of Pears for Health

Health Benefits of Pears - Pears are a tree from tropical climates in Western Europe, Asia and North Africa. Medium height trees can reach 10-17 metertapi, some species are short trees that have lush leaves. The leaves are alternating, wide oval but can also be long, long, slender shapes. Length between 2 to 12 cm. A variety of pears, mostly round fruit. Pears are usually harvested in the early fall.

Pears are very much liked by people, because the taste of the fruit is fresh sweet and refreshing. During the summer season, Pears are rich in fiber and high in water. This is most preferred by people, especially children because it feels cool. Not only is the fiber content and high water content, this fruit also contains many antioxidants which are beneficial to increase immunity or immunity.

Nutrient Content in Pears.

Pears are rich in the potential for important antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber. According to the USDA National Nutrient database, one medium-sized pear (approximately 178 grams) contains:
a. 101 calories,
b. 0 grams of fat,
c. 27 grams of carbohydrate (classified as 17 grams of sugar and 6 grams of fiber),
d. 1 gram of protein.

One medium-sized pear equals 12% of daily vitamin C requirements, and 10% of vitamin K, 6% of potassium, which is less than calcium, iron, magnesium, riboflavin, vitamin B-6 and folate.

Benefits of Pears for Health.

Pears can provide the amount of fiber needed, and contain fiber and anti-oxidants that help fight many health problems increase immunity, Let's see below are some health benefits of pears.

  1. Can Lower High Blood Pressure
    With antioxidants and anti-carcinogens contained in pears, it can be petrified in terms of lowering high blood pressure which can also cause strokes.

  2. Prevent cancer
    Pears like vitamin C which can act as antioxidants, the antioxidant content can prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Not only that, pears also contain chlorogenic acid (chlorogenic acid) which is still included with synamic hydroxy acid (hydroxyl cinnamic acid), which can act as an anti-inflammatory that can fight and destroy the formation of cancer cells in the body.

  3. Able to reduce cholesterol levels
    With pectin content in pears, it is believed to reduce cholesterol levels quickly.

  4. Can Improve the Digestive System
    Drinking pear juice every day can be useful in improving the digestive system, so defecating becomes smooth and will avoid constipation.

  5. Maintain Body Endurance
    By drinking pear juice regularly, it must be very effective in maintaining the body's immune system so that the body will not easily get sick.

  6. Can treat inflammation
    By always drinking pear juice every day is very effective in curing inflammation.

  7. Prevent Osteoporosis
    Pear juice can also help in preventing osteoporosis, because pears contain calcium which can help in fulfilling bone nutrition.

  8. Can Prevent Sharaf Tube Disability in Babies
    The content of folic acid is very useful for pregnant women in preventing damage to the neural tube in infants, and can prevent babies born prematurely.

  9. Treating Shortness of Breath
    Usually winter children often get colds and coughs that are characterized by shortness of breath, this factor is due to sputum that is difficult to remove and blockage of the respiratory tract. But by drinking pear juice 2 times a day, sputum will be easy to remove.

  10. Source Energy
    Consuming pears or pear juice can help in burning fat and turning it into a source of energy.

So some of the benefits of pears for health, hopefully the above info can be useful to read it, let's both consume it so that our body is always in a healthy state, Amen. That is all and thank you

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