Simple Secrets to Happiness #8: 100% is Impossible!

Oh man, I hate having my idealist thoughts crash and burn on the road of reality! I have a plan on how to be my healthiest, happiest self. I made notes and schedules. BUT then, something happens…And as much as I’d love trials to be apportioned to what’s convenient to handle, there are times life overwhelms good intentions and plans. But it is then we must remember:


You are not a failure. You can try again.

No matter what your goal is in life, you will slip up from time to time. To give an everyday example, say you want to get up early and crank out a Steemit post every single day. You get up at 5am and get it done for three days in a row. And you feel like a rockstar! You are focused and determined to keep it up. Happy days!

But then someone has a birthday party and you stay up late, and come morning, you miss your alarm. Slightly discouraging. No matter…You try the next day to get back on the wagon, but you wake up to a nasty cough and chills. To make up for the lost time you have to do double duty at work. Time speeds by and a week later, you find your Steemit goals and momentum a dim memory.

And that, my friend, is typical of life.

But, don’t let your happiness goal slip through your fingers by speaking words of self-doubt to yourself and giving up.


Re-remember: It’s OK. 100% is IMPOSSIBLE.

Trying new things, such as a peace and happiness goal, is challenging yourself and that is commendable. Wanting to try new things to bring peace and happiness into your life is great. BUT, life will get in your way. YOU will get in your own way. It is then we must rise up and not give up. When we give up, we truly fail. And it’s hard to feel happy about ourselves in that state.

Wouldn’t it be sad if our very goal to be happy, caused us to be disappointed with ourselves, and thus more unhappy than before?

What to do After you Slip Up and Feel Hopeless

As I’ve covered in a previous article, willpower is limited. Though, there are definitely habits and systems that will make it easier to succeed. The first and foremost rule is to double-check your goal if it is even realistic. In this case, are you trying to achieve happiness 100% of the time? You aren’t Mary Poppins. Nobody can nail it every time.

To err is human...

Recognize your frustration and annoyance. Don’t ignore it. Don’t bottle it up. Name it. Labeling your feelings actually helps your amygdala calm down so you aren’t in fight or flight mode. Say, “I’m feeling…” But don’t dwell there.

If you’re losing your cool, try three rounds of conscious breathing. This really works! Breathe in for three seconds. Hold your breath for one. Exhale for six. This reduces your heart rate and calms your body’s stress response.

Get Back on Track

After you’ve cleared your head from your negative emotions over slipping up, forgive yourself. Forgive others if necessary. Sometimes other people hinder your goals, and in this case, happiness goals. If they do, remember, it’s not about you. They could just be having a hard day.

Get back on that horse and try again! You are on the right track. Just being intentional makes all the difference in the world.

In case you missed it

Simple Secrets to Happiness #1: You Can’t Do It All (PLUS a giveaway)
Simple Secrets to Happiness #2: You Can’t Will Yourself to Be Happier
Simple Secrets to Happiness #3:Build the Right Habits
Simple Secrets to Happiness #4: Stop Complaining
Simple Secrets to Happiness #5: GRATITUDE, the magical attitude
Simple Secrets to Happiness #6: Adults Need Recess too!
Simple Secrets to Happiness #7 You can’t control others.

Thanks for sticking with me on this happiness journey. @allforthegood


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