Exciting moment is there when you dare to face the risk & free to do whatever you like!

Exciting moment is there when you dare to face the risk & free to do whatever you like. Release your step with FLASH ACTIVE FREE Insurance.

headerCreate Action Do not Wait Later

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    Whatever your passion, pursue it without hesitation because it is what makes life so exciting. Make sure you are protected while traveling, watching music concerts, sporting events, and doing other activities.
    Action Free Flash 1 week to protect anything and any where your activity only with a premium of Rp 30.000

headerCHAT NOW Protect Yourself

Enjoy Life Completely
With Action Free FLASH

Create Action Do not Wait Later Whatever your passion, pursue it without hesitation because it is what makes life so exciting. Make sure you are protected while traveling, watching music concerts, sporting events, and doing other activities. Action Free Flash 1 week to protect anything and any where your activity only with a premium of Rp 30.000 Insurance Features ![image]( You only pay premiums Rp.30.000Manfaat Insurance: Protection period for 1 weekManfaat Dying of Accidents Rp 25.000.000Manfaat pembanggungan Ability Accident Effects up to Rp 25.000.000Manfaat Reimbursement Expenses Accidental Medical Treatment up to Rp 2.500.000 Action Free (Personal Accident Insurance) Main Insurance Benefit: Sum Insured worth Rp 25,000,000 in case of accidental death. Additional insurance benefit: Reimbursement of accidental medical expenses up to 10% of principal insurance benefit, with maximum 5 incidents per year. Additional insurance benefits: Maximum 100% insurance coverage of major insurance benefits for accidental inability. Protection from almost all types of accidents as long as you do not violate laws / regulations and do not try to hurt yourself. The validity of your insurance 1 Month. Not only protect yourself from traffic accidents or natural disasters but also when you exercise, watch music concerts or high-risk hobbies. Protection applies around the world. Learn more about Action Free Flash 1 Week iFWD liberate brings Flash Action Free 1 Week for you who need protection in running passion. # headerException * item Insurance benefits will not be paid if you Suicide, attempted suicide or self-injury either done in a conscious or unconscious state by the insured. ![image]( Involvement of the Insured performs illegal, neglectful and / or against / unlawful acts, including insurance offenses committed by any party who has or has an interest in this insurance coverage
# headerLive Fully!

Life is not easy to guess - but that's the appeal. Whatever passion, occupation, or all sorts of other activities, just make sure you're protected! With extensive protection, you do not have to worry about going through everyday activities.

headerInsurance Features

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    Benefits of death due to accidents up to Rp 1,000,000,000 Can be supplemented with additional insurance in the form of accidental disability benefits and / or reimbursement of medical expenses that can be mixed and match according to your protection needsSome exceptions. image
    Not only protect yourself from traffic accidents or natural disasters but also from accidents due to sports competitions, music concerts or high-risk hobbies.
    You are free to determine the amount of sum assured in accordance with the needsWithout the necessary medical examination to buy insurance. Protection applies worldwide. Protect yourself from accidents that can happen wherever you are.

# headerI as a Candidate Insured stated in this Application Letter:


I volunteered to obtain insurance protection issued by the Company as the Insurer. I have read, understood, answered and filled out the complete and correct information contained in the PA, in accordance with the actual circumstances and as the basis for the making of the Policy. I understand and agree that in the event that I enter data that is inconsistent with the actual circumstances, the Company reserves the right to cancel the Policy and does not pay any benefit as stated in the Policy.
I agree that insurance protection shall come into force on the date that I choose and can not be amended. I do not work in oil refineries; war reporter; trainer of wild animals; flight school students; security officers armed with fire; commercial divers (depth of more than 40m); high-voltage electrical technicians; window cleaner (height more than 15m); workers related to explosives; or workers exposed to dust or toxins.
I hereby authorize every Medical Personnel, Hospital, Clinic, Puskesmas, Laboratory, insurance company, reinsurance company, agency, agency / other party or person with medical history, disease, disclose to the Company all such information. This power shall remain in force, irrevocable or canceled by any cause at the time I am still alive / dead. Copies of this clause are equally valid and valid in accordance with the original documents.
I agree that all of my addresses, phone numbers and emails informed in this PA may be used as a communication media Policy.
I hereby authorize the Company to use, provide information and information about Me obtained or stored by the Company (as contained in this or any other means) to other parties within or outside the country who have a cooperative relationship with the Company including but not limited to the filing of this PA, payment of claims, services, marketing of other products to Me.
I understand and agree that the Company will only issue the Policy in digital or electronic form that I will receive via email address as stated in this PA.

I understand that FWD Life is required to submit a hard copy of Policy Brief to me. However, I appeal to FWD Life to keep a hard copy of Policy Brief on my behalf until the termination of the Policy. I agree to indemnify and hold FWD Life including directors, commissioners, shareholders and employees from any claims, liability, damages, costs or expenses incurred as a result of my application (please uncheck, if you do not agree).

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