Toxic skin creams and lotions

Check the ingredients of your skin creams and lotions, in case you are using any. Quite a few of the ingredients will have long unpronounceable names. Most of these names are synthetic chemicals of which only a few have been tested, as pointed out in this article by the New York Times.

Whatever it is that you put on your skin, please realize that the cream is absorbed by your skin. Research points out that 60% is absorbed by your skin and ends up in your bloodstream. This implies that your body will have to internally deal with these compounds.

One should not take this information for granted. A lot of us might already be watching what we eat, but might at the same time be unknowingly putting chemicals on our skin that contain carcinogenic substances.

Phthalates (not a spelling mistake) and parabens are the types of chemicals that we should be most concerned with.

Phthalates are a type of fragrance that allow a hairspray or suntan lotion to smell nice. That said, phthalates disrupt our endocrine system. The endocrine system produces a hormone that is responsible for regulating growth, sexual and reproductive function.

It’s crazy to think that these chemicals are allowed to be packed into our creams and lotions. Once again, producers will stop at nothing to make a buck. But what is even more crazy is that consumers actually pay money to put this chemical stuff on their skin on a daily basis.

In conclusion, please take care of yourself and read the labels well. By using natural products you will feel a whole lot better!

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