Wounds of sugar with sugar!

Mozes Murandur was born in a poor family in Zimbabwe. He did not have the chance to take modern medical treatment when he fell ill. When he fell down and cut off the body, he kept the salt in the wound. When the father had money in hand, then the sugar would be bought. He started planting sugar in the wounds. Murandu saw that the wounds of sugar are not as fast as the fertilizer, local and any treatment is not so fast.

In 1997, Murandu was appointed as the National Health Service (NHS) nurse in the UK's national health care facility. But in the United Kingdom officially wondered about any use of sugar to wound in any place. Later, he decided to continue trying to change the wound healing treatment. The idea that Murandu is currently taken seriously. Murandu completed an initial experimental study on the functioning of sugar to wound the wound, and received the award from the journal Journal of Wound Care last month (March).

This method of wound recovery can be important for some places in the world, where people are not able to buy antibiotics. However, the UK has also been interested in wound healing in this system. Because, if there is an infection in the wound, antibiotics can not be cured many times.

Murandu said about how to clean the wound with sugar, clean the wound and put sugar in the bandage. Bacteria spread due to wounds in wounds. As a result, the wound was delayed. But the sugar particles absorbed all the moisture. In this, the wound quickly clears.

Murandu received his initial research in all the evidence laboratory laboratories. As well as multiple events around the world, supporting the idea of ​​Murandu. There is also an example that even the antibiotics are not working - such wounds have been scanned. Nevertheless, Murandu has to continue to fight hard enough to establish this concept fully. In order to reach the goal of convincing the NHS to accept sugar as a substitute for antibiotics, the UK has to conduct research in another phase. Need funds for this. The big problem is that medicines are funded by drug companies. But the possibility of receiving funds from these companies is unlikely in the study of patents that can not be found.

Murandu uses the type of sugar as a type of sugar used in tea, to wound the wound. He also used similar sugar in the study. However, he saw that other types of sugar are also very effective, except for Demra.

Experimental studies have shown that if the density of sugar is low, different species of bacteria will spread. But if the density is high, the bacterial expansion completely closes. Murandu recorded various events from Zimbabwe, Botswana and Lesotho. Among these incidents there is a woman from Harare, Zimbabwe's capital. Relatives of the woman Murandu.

Murandu said, "The woman has been carrying severe wounds for five years on her legs. The doctors took the size of the foot part of the cut to be cut. The whole preparation of the leg cut was completed. At this time my other relative informed me about the matter. By deciding to cut the legs, I cleaned the wound and told to put sugar there and repeated it to do the same thing. It works. The woman did not lose that leg. '

Murandu said that due to this example, he is very enthusiastic about this method. Besides, people in many parts of the world do not have the ability to buy antibiotics.

Murandu is currently doing clinical research with 41 patients in the UK. He has not yet published the results of the research. However, he presented the results of his research at national and international conferences. The question that has been answered most about this research, is that patients with diabetes can use sugar to wound? Diabetic patients usually suffer from foot ulcers. And diabetic patients need to control blood glucose levels. In this case, everyone believes that Sugar can not be used to treat these patients. But in his study, Murandu has found that this method has worked to improve the wounds of these patients by increasing blood glucose levels.

Murandu said sugar is Sucrose. Stomach Enzyme Enzyme stomach turns into glucose. The position of succrez enzyme in the body. There sugar is converted into glucose. But using sugar in the wounds outside the body does not increase blood glucose levels.

While Murandu is running the research on human beings, at the same time US veterinary physicist Maurin McMichael has been using this method to cure animal wounds for several years. She worked at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital. In 2002, he used honey and sugar together to wound the first pet. He was attracted to this method because the procedure was easy and cost was less.

McMichael said there is a wound healing element in the sweet like sugar. A study has found that honey is much more effective in preventing the spread of bacteria. Although it is expensive than sugar.

"We have achieved great success using this method," McMichael said. With an example, he said that he applied this method to a dog carrying 40 wounds. Within eight weeks, all the wounds of the dog are cured.

Sugar is not only cheap, but it also has more advantages. If the use of antibiotics becomes more resistant, the germs become drug resistant.

There is a plan to build a clinic in Murandur, where he will use this method. Murandu hopes, not only in the NHS, sugar can be used to treat wounds worldwide. E-mails are coming to him for guidance from different parts of the world. In his counsel, using this method, he is grateful for his recovery.

This is a primitive method. Many poor people in developing countries use this method informally. But after coming to the UK, Mourandu felt the importance of sugar and he believed that sugar should be used in modern medicine worldwide. He wants to see the combination of local knowledge and modern research in this method.

Murandu said that the idea came from Zimbabwe. Here it has been revised and will be returned to the African people for help.

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