5 Health Benefits of Foot Massage


If your foot feels tired because of long standing all day on your work foot massage is the best solution for it not just it relieves pain there are also other health benefits from it.

1. It helps relieve pain

Foot massaging is the way to relieve pain especially to pregnant women. Foot reflexology experts say that massaging your toes for as short as 5 minutes can give you much-needed relief from neck pain. Similarly, you may eliminate back pain by using your thumb to massage along that invisible line from the side of your big toe to your ankle. Throw in a quick massaging of the soles and top of your feet for immediate back pain relief.

2. It helps improve blood circulation

It’s an effective way to speed up your body recovery from a tiring day using a massaging oil gently massage foot and repeat several times for a few minutes. It also helps to reduce high blood pressure because it gives you a relaxing feeling after.

3. It is really rejuvenating

It gives you a relaxing feeling so that you can have a good night sleep.

4. It improves symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis

It helps to reduce any leg syndrome.

5. It helps relieve stress and fatigue

It gives you a lighter mood that relaxes your mind to relieve you from stress and fatigue.

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