Dragonflies in Mosquito Control; Zero Pollution, Zero Resistance

Mosquitoes are tiny insects prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical areas, transmitting life-threatening diseases including Malaria and Zika fever.

Many preventive and control measures and techniques have been designed to control the population of mosquitoes in our environment. Some are effective to some extent, others like usage of chemical are often less efficient due to the resistance the mosquitoes develop in addition to the pollution the chemical might cause.

Mosquitoes have quite a number of predators including birds, frogs, spiders, fishes and some insects. Amongst these predators, dragonflies top the list feeding on both larvae and adult mosquitoes.


A single dragonfly can eat about 30 to hundreds of mosquitoes per day. They were even referred to as "Mosquito-hawks" because of this.
Although, flies are generally annoying, disgusting acting as - pests, food spoilers and disease transmitters; dragonflies are one of the most beneficial insects around as they do not pose threat to us.

Here's a nice one:
Dragonflies do not pierce, bite, sting, cause or transmit diseases like others. Even when one pose a threat to them, the bite from a large one barely break the skin.
They can also be reared or one can design an environment that is attractive to them and suitable for their existence - installing a pond with water plants in the home.


  1. https://www.orkin.com/other/mosquitoes/mosquito-predators
  2. https://dragonflywebsite.com/dragonfly-facts.cfm
  3. https://anyavien.com/how-to-attract-dragonflies/
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