New Years Resolutions? Let Your Body Decide

The 1 hour livestream that this blog was transcribed from

As I write, there are just a couple more days of partying and overeating if that’s your thing and then it’ll be time to make that sacred vow of what you are going to do more of or stop doing...

The New Year’s Resolution!

Now, new year’s resolutions are a great opportunity for change.

You might think, well it’s just a day like any other.

However, it is deeply embedded in our psyche as a day to make commitments to changing something.

If you are familiar with the concept of morphogenic fields – the habits of nature that get stronger the more they are repeated, then you can see that there is a powerful field around new year’s resolutions.

Unfortunately, there’s also a powerful collective conscious energy around failing to maintain a new year's resolution.

Most of us bail in just a few weeks, perhaps with nothing more than an expensive 1 year gym contract left to remind us each month when we look at our bank statements.

So perhaps you’ve become disheartened on your new year's resolutions.

However, there are ways to make them stick.

The most important thing is that what you are planning to achieve is in alignment with who you are.

Often people set intentions for change, goals, whatever based on society’s goals – their conditioning of what they and everyone “should” aspire to.

However, if that’s out of line with what you truly want, then you aren’t going to get there.

There are many methods you can use to create inspiring intentions that are in line with you.

Undoubtedly your inbox is going to be inundated with them in the next few weeks. I’m also going to be sharing some with you in upcoming videos and posts.

However, what I’m going to share with you now might surprise you…

If you have an ongoing or recurring illness, you have an advantage at choosing intentions that are truly aligned with who you are!

Yup, there are secrets in your symptoms and all you need to do is decode them to create an amazing life with greater alignment and meaning to you.

Now, you might be ready to tell me to go and get stuffed at hearing that.

And I get it.

How dare I suggest that there are some benefits to the horrible and debilitating symptoms that you’ve been struggling with for however long it’s been now.

But hear me out.

If you want to…

You, like every one of us has been conditioned to believe that illness is the body going wrong in some way and it needs to be fixed.

By the way, when I say body, I am also referring to conditions called mental illnesses, such as anxiety and depression.

We have all gronw up in exposed to this paradigm of biology. Based on the Newtonian view that the body is a collection of parts that can malfunction, leading to illness and that the treatment is a medical treatment from a doctor.

And many of these are useful for managing symptoms of course.

However, here’s a different view.

Your body is intelligent and symptoms are part of it always attempting to heal. Each symptom has specific meanings and one way to look at it is that your body is telling you what you need to address in your life.

Now, this might sound far out. However, there is a lot of research and evidence that this is the case and it’s the premise of true integrated medicine combining the best of modern medicine with traditional, holistic and alternative healing opportunities.

So, how does this affect your intentions and new year’s resolutions?

Your body and mind is always trying to heal you and encourage you to follow a path that fits with your unique self.

Any mental and physical symptoms that you have going on at any time are like a mosaic of what’s going on in your psyche and inner world.

Healing doesn’t just mean getting better from symptoms. That’s part of it but there’s so much more.

It’s about healing your life. Shedding what’s not you and truly becoming you.

Your body is showing you what you need to transform in your life to heal and evolve.

All you need to do is decode those messages and then realise all of the choices that you have to make that happen.

Once you’ve decoded the secrets in your symptoms you understand exactly which beliefs, habits, past traumatic events and lifestyle factors you need to change in order to heal and transform your life.

Let me give you some examples.

If you have chronic or recurring musculo-skeletal pain, movement restriction etc, then this is broadly pointing to a life theme of self-devaluation usually about not being strong or capable enough in a certain area of life. The body location where the pain is also has a specific meaning.

For example:

Recurring pain in the lower spine could be as a result of feeling defeated or unable to cope with too much pressure.

If it’s in the shoulders could point to either not feeling a good enough parent, partner or even child, or if in both shoulders, it often relates to bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders.

So, how does this fit in with new year’s resolutions? Well, with this understanding, you could choose to resolve the emotional attachments and beliefs connected to the pattern…

Perhaps the trauma of a business failure or a memory of a sad look from your children when you weren’t able to play with them which has really stuck with you.

Yes, it can be as simple as that!

Of course, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting are outstanding techniques to use for this part of your healing journey.

Then, the resolution part – committing to habits that are in line with the new pattern you want to have.

For example, taking up a practice that releases stress and pressure, along with opening up to new potential options in business and work

Or, committing to regular times that you make time for being with and having meaningful experiences with your children.

What about fatigue as a symptom?

From the META Perspective, this is often to do with the adrenals shutting down your energy due to you taking “wrong” action, not being on your path.

We live in a world where people are conditioned to not be on their path.

As I’ve covered in my previous videos on mental health, we are the most domesticated species on the planet.

From birth, in fact even before, we are subjected to, often well meaning, conditioning from families, culture, religion, education that hold us in patterns of behaviour and thinking that restrict our freedom and own evolution.

Most people never really get to express themselves fully. Living second hand lives for the benefit of someone else.

Probably the biggest, example of this is the work that many of us do, devoid of personal meaning, just to pay the bills.

I’m not even saying that’s wrong. Many people can feel expressed and can feel fulfilled working in jobs.

However, it does seem to be the most recognised way that people are being driven to burnout and fatigue.

Adrenals are your inner guide.

“Am I following my direction, am I on my true mission in life?”

Adrenal fatigue kicks in when you are using your energy for the wrong thing

Going against your own path for the sake of saving a job, or relationship or something else

A conflict of decision making – not being able to make a choice.

“I can’t choose for myself because I’m not in tune with my own intuition”


It has to be ecological.

You may need your job and that’s OK.

For example, I’ve worked with people close to retirement, waiting for their pension to be available and we got excellent results using tapping to change their relationship with work. In fact, in one case, they got a far better result than expected as they were able to stand up for themselves against workplace bullying and get a big payout that covered them for the two years they had to go.

And, no matter what stage of life, giving your boss the finger might not be the ideal solution, so resolving the emotional attachments and finding ways to explore meaning in life both in and out of work is key here.

Hopefully, with an eye on transforming this situation

For many people the best soul-ution will be to get onto their life path and break free from living someone else’s dreams.

The foundation of this is understanding your personal values and creating a life that fulfils them

Resolving the past traumas is also essential, both from whatever situation led you to burnout and from the early years that made you more susceptible.

Understanding, making sense of and clearing your conditioning, so that you can stop being the GOOD, OBEDIENT ONE

And take a risk of fully expressing your nature, while understanding the potential consequences.

So, lots of opportunities for exciting, aligned new year's resolutions there.

And, let’s just think quickly about Chronic Fatigue syndrome or M.E.

Now, these are labels and everyone has different experiences. But, two of the most common symptoms are fatigue and muscular skeletal pain.

Thinking about that mosaic, can you see how the self-devaluation of not being on a path that is in line with who you are could lead to both fatigue and pain symptoms?

And, of course, one symptom can lead to another, in this case the fatigue might come first and then lead to the pain developing due to the belief of not being good enough.

Now, when you set your intentions and resolutions, it’s really important that you are accepting of where you are and don’t make them too much to handle.

Too much of a disturbance of the force…

In this case (CFS, ME), having an inspiring vision of where you are heading can be a very powerful boost on your journey forwards to health and thriving.

Now, these are just a few examples. However, every physical or mental symptom that you experience EVER has a specific meaning. If you are able to decode what it means TO YOU, based on your own unique perceptions, then you are on a path, not only of health, but also life transformation.

Shedding what isn’t you and becoming more you. Creating a life that is truly and richly yours.

If you are ready to heal yourself from whatever symptoms you are experiencing and then use your new knowledge to create an amazing life, I’d love to guide you to make it happen.

I currently have space to offer a few free Conscious Discovery Calls, where you will learn how you can heal yourself, possibly avoiding years of unnecessary pain and expense on trying every cure under the sun. You’ll also find out how the secrets in your symptoms can lead you to the life you desire.

If you'd like to book one of these calls, click here to be taken to my calendar and choose a time that suits you.

Wishing you a thriving, healthy and aligned 2020 and beyond!

And, if you are interested in some ideas for healthy practices for new years resolutions, covering physical, emotional, environmental/lifestyle, mental and spiritual aspects, download my free guide "7 Pillars of Vitality".

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