Chi Nei Tsang abdominal therapy

I wanna tell you about amazing techniques used to heal the body. The ancient monks used this technique hundreds of years ago, it's called Chi Nei Tsang abdominal therapy.

It is well known that our emotions are the main causes of all disease. According to the doctrine of ancient Taoists, the stomach is our emotional center of energy in the body. When this "tank" is filled, the energy flows through the meridians to internal organs, feeding and restoring. To get rid of the influence of negative emotions and their effects, the ancient Taoists used the technique of Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage, which allowed them release the accumulated emotions, to remove psychological stress, to cary out detoxication, and to fill the bodies with Chi energy.

Working with this center will help:

+ To remove stress

+ To release suppressed emotions, fears, offenses, irritations, and blocks

+ To bring harmony, tranquillity and case to the body and mind

+ To restore the natural flow of energy along the meridians, which starts the process of self-healing and recovery of the body

+ To normalize the function of the digestive tract, which aids in weight loss, reduces the volume of the stomach, and eliminates toxins from the body

+ To remove spasms, adhesions, nodes, seals, and scars

+ To ease headaches and back pain

+ To normalize sleep and to return the body to its natural state of rest

+ To improve blood circulation and cardiovascular functions

+ To normalize the menstrual cycle and the reproductive system in general, including fertility

Chi Nei Tsang is an exhaustive method of influence on the internal organs, saturating the organs with energy, strengthening their function, and providing overall rejuvenation.

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