Healing my Adrenal Fatigue & Hello!

Oh my @steemit family, it's been too long. I wish it wasn't the case & as much as I tried to just suck it up & keep going on as if nothing was wrong, something was very wrong.


Shortly after our road trip last May, I felt so run down. Our suitcase laid on the hallway floor, still with clothes left in it for over a month. I know my husband could have done it, but my job in our home is the laundry & I kept saying I would do it, but never did. I couldn't. I was depressed. So fatigued, yet struggling with insomnia & the rest. I've dealt with adrenal fatigue a long time ago, shortly after my dad had passed but I thought I had been healed of that mess.

So, all summer long I just thought I was depressed. Went to some counselling which was good & was dealing with grief & issues that still weren't dealt with but I still had tons of other issues that didn't make sense. Rapid weight gain, craving salty things, extreme anxiety, feeling constantly wired, yet tired, irritable, emotional, getting sick constantly... I've dealt with all these things before, but it wasn't until a couple of months ago now that I finally figured it all out! Adrenal fatigue! It all made sense! I had just completed an intense fitness program last spring, was drinking black coffee all day long all throughout the spring & summer... my adrenals were so done. I couldn't believe how careless I had been... I still can't believe I didn't know what was wrong for so long.

All this to say, I didn't have energy to do much, especially writing about our wonderful road trip last May. I still plan to write that all out & share photos because it truly was a highlight in 2018 for us, but until I've really gotten better that needs to wait a bit more.

A couple things I'm trying to do to heal my adrenals:

  • Sleep lots & get to bed ON TIME. (This is probably the biggest struggle for me since I get a burst of energy usually around 10/11).
  • One cup of coffee in the morning & that's it.
  • No alcohol
  • No sugar
  • Not depleting my carbs, and eating frequently to avoid my adrenals feeling like they need to be in the "fight or flight" mode.
  • Exercise, but not intense and only 4-5 days a week. I'm doing some spin classes here & there and short workouts modified 20-30 min. at home.
  • Adrenal support supplement every morning, probiotic & omega 3-6-9. I also started taking this horrible tasting stuff every morning. It's holy basil & is supposed to help with stress & adrenal support.
  • Keeping my workload small & not overdoing it with anything.
  • Nightly baths with epsom salts & magnesium flakes.
  • Lots of water with salt in it.

The frustrating thing with this issue is that from what I've read, if you get adrenal fatigue you're likely just genetically prone to it, so it looks like it will be a constant struggle for me. It could be worse though, that I know.

I'm curious though if any of YOU have dealt with adrenal fatigue before & what you've done to heal your adrenals? I need all the help I can get!!

ALSO - HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS!!! I hope your 2019 is off to a great start! :)

Liz Lemon

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