Ladybug - Haiku Contest #2: Bugs and Arachnids in Winter


ladybug on my laptop

you must go

but not out into the snow

@dbooster - Today at 5:03 AM
Anyone with even the slightest interest in haiku should give it a try. Even if you don't win, it'll be fun. Let's see how many haiku entries we can get.

I'm sorry, but I can't see a way to make these words fit the haiku form:

3 lines
first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables
middle line has 7 syllables

For me, the 7-3-7 pattern works.

(Normally I toss bugs outside, but not this time of year.
Daughter has arachnophobia, but I cannot crush a spider.
Her uncle allowed a spider to live all winter long in the shower stall!
It crawled up into a crevice whenever the water came on.)

Well, this isn't a haiku, but it was fun trying - and that ladybug, by the way, is STILL walking up my screen.

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