GULLIVER, In a new World

Have you ever heard about the story of Gulliver and the little peoples? The man who wrote it live about two hundred and fifty years ago. In those days ships were made of wood. They did not have engines to steer them, they had sails instead. The wind pushed the sails and ship sailed through the water.
Sometimes the sailors discovered new countries which no one had seen before. Gulliver discovers a new country where all the people are small. they are about fifteen centimeters tallThis is not a true story of course. At that time some people believed in it. They thought it was true.
At the beginning of the story, Gulliver was a doctor on a ship. There was a bad storm. The ship hit a rock and broke into two pieces. He swam to the shore. he was too tired to keep his eyes open. He soon went to sleep. When he woke up, he could not move. He was held down by some ropes. His long hair was tied to the ground. Then something climbed on to his leg up to his chin. It was a little man, about fifteen centimeters tall. He carried a bow and arrows in his hand. Then forty more little people climbed on to Gulliver. He was very surprised and gave a loud shout. Immediately all little men ran away. But they soon come back.

At first, the ropes were too strong to break. But at last Gulliver broke some of them. He could move one of his arms. When they say this, The little peoples shouted and shot their little arrows into him. But the arrows were too small to hurt Gulliver very much. They pelt like pins. Gulliver lay still. He did not move. The little people stopped shooting arrows at him.
They wanted to speak to Gulliver but he was too high to hear them. They built a platform they stood on the platform to talk to Gulliver.
The little people wanted to take Gulliver to their king who lived in the big city, When he was asleep, they made a big platform with wheels. It was big enough to carry Gulliver. It was made of Wood. Five hundred of horses pulled the platform along the road to the city. Gulliver was still asleep. Guards rode on horses on each side. Some carried bows and arrows, other carried torches .
When they reached city, they met king. He told his officers to take Gulliver to the biggest building in the land. No house was big enough for Gurrliver to live in, but he was able to creep inside the building and lie down.
No bed was big enough for him. The King told his men to make a big bed they took six hundred beds nd joined them together.
Gulliver lived among the little people for some time. One day one of them come to see Gulliver. He looked very sad.
"There is going to be a war" he said. "The people living on another island across the sea are going to fight with us. They are going to sail in their ships and attack us".
"I will help you" said Gulliver. He bent some iron bars and made fifty hooks. He tied each hook to a piece of string. Then he swam across the water to the enemy island. He put a hook on each ship and then pulled the ships back across to sea to his friends.
"now the enemy cannot attack you in their ships", he said. The king was very pleased. He asked Gulliver to bring back some more enemy ships. But Gulliver said 'No'. "I don't like war".
Some of the little people became angry with Gulliver and wanted to kill him. Sadly Gulliver decided to leave the land of the little people.
One day he found a boat floating near the seashore. He Sailed out to the sea in it . A big ship found and took him back to England.

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